Part 2

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It was around 8.30 when you woke up. As you forced your eyes open, they met the soft, gentle gaze that stared down at you. Castiel, at some point during the night, had climbed into your bed beside you, still cloaked in his trench coat and suit. You were snuggled together, his arm boldy wrapped around you and your head lay on his firm chest. "Goodmorning," he said after a few seconds of relaxing eye contact. It was when he spoke, with his deep demeanor residing in his voice, that you were snapped away from his incandescent blue eyes and back into reality. You instantly shot up and quickly crawled to the edge of the bed, reluctantly distancing yourself from his embrace. You sat on the edge, legs crossed and looking down in embarrassment, you pulled Dean's t-shirt over your knees. "Morning," you replied, feeling a burning blush capture your cheeks. Crimson flushed to your face as you realised how inappropriately dressed you were below the waist. "I'll go get changed," you said while diving into the bathroom, grabbing a clean outfit as you tried to escape his curious gaze. His head fell onto his right shoulder and he stroked the black gift bag he planned to give to you once he returned, as if assuring himself it was still there.

Earlier that morning he flew away in search of a gift, one that would reflect his feelings for you. Many jewellery shops were open, even at such an early hour, all of them pleasantly expecting service from boyfriends or husbands who had forgotten to buy something for their mates. He returned roughly 15 minutes later, beaming with pride and excitement. But the drowsiness had taken its toll on you and you were sprawled out over the bed, breathing lightly and calmly. With a sympathetic smile, he put the gift into his pocket and laid down next to you.

Yesterday, or rather very early today, the exhaustion lingering in your body had induced a drunk like state. You were over overconfident, you wondered if you made Cas feel uncomfortable and you hadn't even noticed how inappropriately dressed you were when greeting him. You didn't want to force your gift onto him, yet alone make him obliged to return one to you. On the other hand, there was a chance he wasn't simply doing so out of debt. It made you warm inside, thinking that Cas cared for you the way you did for him. 'Unlikely,' you thought, 'but it's fun to imagine'. After hurriedly brushing your teeth, you emerged from the bathroom, dressed in jeans and some random shirt. "I didn't mean for you to feel uncomfortable, (y/n)," he said concerned, but a hint of happiness resided in his voice. "Oh no, you just surprised me, Cassie, don't fret," you replied, trying hard to keep your voice from breaking out of embarrassment. He stood up from the bed and calmly walked over to you. The gap between you quickly thinning, you could smell the light aroma of cinnamon that enveloped him. You could feel your heart pounding rapidly against your chest as he approached. "I bought you something," he smiled sweetly, reaching into his pocket to retrieve something. As he pulled out the cute gift bag your cheeks burned even strong than before. "You didn't have to Cas," you smiled taking it from his hand, brushing against his fingers made you tingle. "No, I didn't. But I wanted to," he said, squinting his eyes and tilting his head in his trademark sense. You loosened the bag, holding your breathe tightly in your chest. You pulled out a thin silver chain, to which was attached a pair of angelic wings, matching the pin you gave him. Hanging in front of it was a pentagon, the infamous charm against evil. It was beautiful; elegant, enticing and intriguing from every aspect. "I love it," you said under a heightened breathe, "will you put it on me?". He took the necklace obediently, and as you held up your hair for him, he clasped the chain around your neck. As he did so, his fingers brushed against your nape. "Thank you," you said gently, turning to face him. Your hand reached up to fumble the charm, but as you did so, his hand followed. He took your hand into his, slowly intertwining his fingers with yours. "Cas?" you whispered, mesmerised by his fervent azure eyes. "I like you, (y/n), maybe too much," he whispered. Out of shock, you breathed out a shallow laugh. Your throat was dry and you tried to reply but you couldn't. His eyes yearned for an answer, but you lost the ability to speak. "I....," you squeezed out a single letter and you prepared yourself to force out every remaining word. "It's ok if you don't feel the same," he whispered, staring at the ground as disappointment and hurt replaced his joyous aura. He let your hand drop, and distanced himself from you. With a ruffle of feathers, he disappeared. "Wait...," you finally managed to squeak out, but Castiel was long gone. You forcefully smacked your forehead with your palm. "STUPID! I'M SO STUPID," you yelled, infuriated with your weak will. You shook your head, trying to regain some sense. You still had a whole day to tell him. But for now you had something for the Winchesters. You rummaged through your gym bag until you found the tin you were looking for, and made your way out of the room, double checking the door was correctly locked.

You walked over to the Winchester's room, and knocked politely. The door opened to reveal a very ruffled, very sleepy Sammy. "Morning," he yawned, shifting out of the way for you to enter. "Hey," you replied, entering the room. You looked over to Dean's bed. He lay there, only in a pair of shorts and sprawled out on the covers. "Asleep?" you asked, "dead," Sam joked. He made his way into the bathroom, while you placed the tin onto the coffee table. You walked over to Dean, but as you turned around to do so, you pushed the tin off the table and onto the wooden floorboards. The loud clang rang through the room. "You alright?" Sam called out. "Fine," you called back, checking on Dean's state of slumber. He lay motionless in his sleep. "Wake him up for me, will you?" Sam requested. You ran over to Dean's bed and attempted to jump onto him. The moment you left the ground, Dean's luscious green eyes shot open. He rolled over to avoid the impact, leaving you to collided painfully with the firm mattress. You winced. Dean grabbed your waist and pulled you into a suffocating embrace, he buried his face into your neck and clung onto you tightly as if you were a teddy. "Goodnight," he yawned closing his eyes. His heart pumped against yours. "You smell like sweat," you moaned, trying to wriggle free. One of his arms tightened its grip around you, while the other stretched over your head. He rubbed his armpits over your face,as you exaggerated spluttering and gagging. "I haven't taken a shower for three days," he whispered, smiling smugly. "Well that's lovely," you squirmed harder, but now both of his muscular arms had imprisoned you. "Sam! Help!" Sam promptly left the bathroom, changed into fresh clothes, but instead of making his way over to assist you, he turned to the kitchen. "Sorry, can't help," he shrugged and began brewing coffee. Dean had now rolled onto you, smothering you with his own bare and heavy body. "Dean, I can't breathe," you gasped. He climbed off you reluctantly and slumped away to the bathroom, muttering under his breathe like a child, "weakling, always ruins my fun". You breathed heavily for a few seconds, and then peeled yourself off the mattress that had engulfed you. You walked over to Sam who was drinking his coffee and reading a newspaper at the kitchen table. "Thanks a lot," you growled, grabbing his coffee and taking a few sips. He looked up at you smugly, pride gleaming in his eyes from revenge. "What was with all the self-loathing earlier?" he queried, taking his coffee back. "What?" you responded. "I'm so stupid. Stupid!" he cried in a high pitched voice, supposedly mimicking yours. "Jerk. I do not sound like that. I didn't even know I was being so loud, I mean you heard me two rooms over?"
"Loud and clear. So why are you so stupid?" he eyed you whilst calmly sipping his coffee. "....Apart from the obvious..."
"Because I hurt Cas' feelings,"
"Why?" "Stop asking so many questions. Because he told me he likes me-" at that moment Sam cut you off. "You like him too, so what's the problem? Tell him how you feel," "I tried but it was too hard, I just froze," you dropped you head in shame. "Well it's supposed to be. It's not fun if it's easy". His words of wisdom lingered in your thoughts. "How'd you know I like him?" you asked.
"Call it intuition".

You eyed the cover of Sam's newspaper with curiosity. "What's up?" you inquired gesturing the paper. "Searching for our next job," "And?" "So far? Nothing". Sam sighed. Dean left the bathroom and made his way over to you, dressed in his usual attire. "What's that?" he asked pointing to the tin beside you. "Oh right, I baked some fudge for you guys," you said lifting the metal lid,"help yourselves". Dean and Sam gratefully bit into their pieces of fudge. "They're amazing," said the older brother, holding his hand in front of his mouth to seize any stray crumbs. "When did you get time to make these?" asked the younger. "I always find time. Happy Valentines Day!" They returned the greeting to you. Dean reached for another, but you swatted his hand away. "Leave some for Cas," you muttered closing the lid. "Ooooooh!" Dean said mockingly. He started to skip around the room, cheeks held by his hands. "Cassie! I wuv you! I heard your conversation with Sam, I know what's up". Rage flickered in your eyes. You stared at him, your cheeks boiling. He stopped, shifting uncomfortabley under your icy glare. You walked over to him, with each step Dean seemed to shrink in confidence and grow in fear. "I'm s-sorry," he whimpered. "But you looooove him," he burst into laughter. With a swift kick to his knee, he fell to the ground. You went back over to Sam, leaving Dean to craddle his limp leg, manly tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.

"We should..umm,"he cleared his voice, shooting concern at Dean,"get going, I think I found us a job". You nodded, grabbing your fudge and making your way out. "Are you ok Dean?" Sam asked after you left, "no," he moaned in reply. "Don't be a baby," Sam rolled his eyes. "She isn't one to show mercy," Dean whimpered.

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