"Moving In"

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You're a vampire and a 17 years old girl living in Busan. You hate your life. You hate the way others look at you. You're looking for a way to change yourself, your personnality, your family, and you're just waiting for the right time and the right moment. It all started the day when your father decided to go to another city ( Seoul) for something about his job. He had to stay there for almost 2 years. You was so sad and couldn't accept the idea that your father will get out of your life for this long periode.

After 2 weeks, your mother recognized your worries and decided moving in to that city. You was so excited because you really missed him and finally, you had the chance to be close to his side. But you was kind of scared either and worried because "MOVING IN" means having new school = new friends = new troubles ... Suddenly, you remembered having bad moments in your highschool but you couldn't let this one and only problem break you down . You smilled and continued packing your "stuffs".

Before you could knew it, the special day had come and you found yourself sitting inside of a convenient car... Getting ready to move to Seoul. You had the greatest feelings ever and you couldn't hide your bright smile. The car moved right away and your mom grabbed your hands kindly and softly and you falled in a deep sleep ... After 5 hours, the sound of the cars woke you up and "THE SURPRISE".

You got blowed by Seoul's lights and you kept staring at the big buildings with your mouth oppened. You got fascinated by this amazing city. After few minutes, the car stopped in front of a simple and normal house in the middle of a quiet neighberhood. Suddenly, your dad got out of the house and you jumped into his arms saying :

You : "Daddy, I missed you ..."

Father : " I missed you too my beauty..."

Mother : " we missed you both young man "

Father : " HAHAHA... I almost forgot my beautiful wife "

He gived her a hug and a kiss saying : " Let's go inside "

The house was large and convenient for a family... It was worm and simple. It has a huge and bright living room and two bathooms. Also,there are enough windows in the bedrooms. Your bedroom had your favorite colors : red and black. You felled in love with your new house.So, you decided to organize your closet and your other things. Suddenly, someone nocked at the door and it was your father, he said :

Father : " So, did you like your new room ? "

You : " I did daddy... Thank you so much "

Father : " Come on, let's go downstairs. We have to eat our dinner "

You : " We don't eat dad. We drink blood. We're monsters "

Father : " No baby, we're not monsters... We're different. That's all "

You : " I don't want to be different. I wanna be like the others "

Father : " This is our destiny and we can't do anything about it "

You went downstairs and sitted together on a round table drinking "BLOOD". Suddenly, your dad and mom started talking about your new high school. You talked with your parents about this subject :

Mother : " You know that you have to continue your studies "

Father : " That's why I searched for the best school in the city and i got one "

You : " Mom, dad, actually, it's hard for me to get along in any school... I'm a vampire and they're humans. I mean, if i saw a drop of a human blood i'll become a monster in one minute "

Father : " If.......... "

Mother : "So, what do you suggest ?"

You : " Home learning"

Mother : " What ? No, no, no... Are you insane ?

Father : " You have to think about your future. Think about yourself, about your job "

You : " Whatever"

Mother : " Come on, i know you. I know you got a strong personnality. Be confident and normal "

You : " I'll try "

Father : " That's my potatoe "

You : " Daddy ! "

Father : " Okay, Okay ... I won't say anything like that "

You : " I'm tired. I gotta go to take some sleep. After all, i have to get prepared to this whole school stuff "

Father & Mother : " Good night "

You : " Good night "

Before you felled asleep. You wrote some details about this lovely day in your diary and kept thinking about tomorrow as your first day at your new high school. Finally, you said : " Let's stay strond and confident ". You hugged your Teddy bear and felled asleep.

< End of Chapter 1 <

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