Chapter 2

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I make it home, I throw my bag on the kitchen floor, and head for the fridge, I grab some grapes and head to my room, the doors a creek open and I know for sure I closed it before I left. I peer in and see Catherine on my bed, she reading my diary. 

" Catherine GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" I scream at her.

She jumps rolls off my bed and runs pass me, I ketch her by the arm.

"If I ever ketch you reading my diary again, you wont live to see thirteen. and STAY OUT OF MY ROOM!" I scream

"You're off to colledge soonand it will be my room!" She says sticking out her tongue and running into her rom slamming the door. 

I groan, walk into my room slam the door and flop  on my bed. I pick up my diary and look at the page she was on. Oh good shes only reading about my exams. I flip to a free page and start writing about my day. Mentioning Josh saying 'Hi' to me. When im done, I deciced to find a new hiding spot for my diary since Catherine found it.. I move my bed and stick it in the hole in the wall I created while I was dancing around and accidentally kicked it. Then I sit on my bed grab my tv remote and start watching some 90210. Sortly after I hear the front door open and mom yelling my name.


I shut my tv off grab my phone and walk down stairs, Catherine runs down past me almost knocking me over.

"Watch it you little brat!" I hiss at her.

As I walk into the kitchen I hear Catherine telling mom how I was mean to her and how I threatened her, I groan enter the kitchen.

"Shes lying" I say calmly

"Am not!"

"Would you girls just get along for one day!"

"Mom growned her she was mean to me" Catherine complaines

"Catherine Go away Im busy!" mom scolds her

Catherine stomps off and I snicker. Then mom turns and looks at me she hands me a letter and say its from the colledge. I take it and lookat it, to scared to open it. I take out my phone and walk up the stairs while dialling Christan's number. She picks up before I reach my room.


"Hey, guess what"


"The letter came"

"Mine did to."

"Did you open it yet?"

"Nope, you?"

"No I was waiting for you."

"Lets open them now"

"1,2,3 *rip*"

"I-I-I Got In!" I say

"I Didn't.."

"Omg! Christan its okay! you applied for three more collages you'll get into one."

"Yeah.. I bet your right..Congrats..I gotta go."

I feel so bad for Christan..but omg I got in! Im so happy! I run downn stairs to tell mom, she congratulates me and says she'll take us our for dinner to celebrate. When we get back it 10pm and im stuffed so I flop on my bed and just fall asleep. 


A/N Okay so this is Chapter 2... I know its not great but the story will proccess. I hope you like it though.  





-Chapter 2 Written by Bev c:

He's A Great Roomate ~Niall Horan Fan Fiction~Where stories live. Discover now