Chapter 4

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"Oh my god, they have a cafe on campus!?" Niall says

"I guess so."

"Want one?"

"Sure" I say smiling

"What do you like Suzi?"

Wow the way he says my name is amazayn!

"I like French Vanilla"

"Okay be back in a jiffy!"

I watch him walk into the cafe. He's not so tall only and inch taller than me, but hes got awesome biseps, and killer body tone, and his blonde hair, blue eyes and smile can take your breath away. I come out of my day dream to see him walking back toward me a coffee in each hand and grinning so big and adorable I can't help but grin myself.

"Here ya go." he says

"What do I owe you?"

"Nothing, I dont mind paying"

I try to disagree but he wont take my money, we walk around compus more and talk about lots, he talks about Ireland, and his family, and all the types of potatos he likes. and I talk about back home, Christan, and my family. I leave out how unpopular I was. We get back to our dorm, and realize we didnt pick our beds, he lets me pick mine first (what a gentalmen!) I choose the one that has a tiny peice of wall seperating it from the rest of the room, and he gets the one by the window, We unpack our bags and then decide to pop a movie in the player and watch it.

I guess I fell asleep watching the movie because I wake up the tv's off and i'm leaned on Niall, his arms around me and he's sleeping beside me, the blanket he had is now stretched on both of us, I have no idea how I slept, his snoring is so loud but he looks likes an angle when he sleeps, skin clear and perfect, his blonde locks are tangled and messed in a hot way. and his mouth is slightly open, damn.. I wonder what it would be like to kiss him., I think about it and decide it'd be creepy to try. So I cuddle up close to him, he's so warm, and I fall asleep.

I feel smething nudge me, more then once so I open my eyes, it's Niall leaning over me, smiling when he sees my eyes open.

"Finally! I'm starving and didnt want to eat without you, I waited as long as icould but I had to wake you.. sorry." he says

"umm, its fine" I say with my tired probably not hot at all grin

"Where do you wanna go?" he asks eagerly

"Hmm, You pick I say"

"Great, hurry get ready lets go!!" he rushes me.

I stretch, get up, gab a pair of shorts and a tanktop, then tie my hair back in a pony. Niall lays on his bed looking at his phone, and I quickly change behind my little wall before he sees.

"Kay I'm ready" I say.

"Wow, you're some fast for a girl!" he says

"Yeah , Yeah now lead the way"

He gets up opens the door and ushers me out first. Then fallows close behind me. He takes me to the seafood restaurant and we order I get a small shrimp ring, lobstertale, and some clams. He orders a large shrimps ring, seafood chowder, and oysters.

"Man, you can eat!" 

"So, can you for a girl"

"Are you sexiest or something?" I ask

"..No..I don't think so." he says unsure

Then he digs in to his meal, and I do too. The shrimp is great so is the lobster and clams, I assume Niall's is too because he doesnt complain he just shovels it into his mouth. I finish before him tho. When he's done he again pays refusing to take my money. We head back to our Dorm. I love how you dont have classes for the first three days, I can spend them all with Niall. Then I realize me and him haven't met anyone else jsut each other. I like the idea tho. So I decide to try and keep it that way.

When we get to the door, he unlocks it and flaps on his bed holding his 'Gut'as he calls it tho there is clearly no gut there. 

"I.Am.So.Full" he says. I giggle

"Couldn't imagine why" I tease.

"So I think im going for a shower, see ya in a bit."

He pulls off his shirt and tosses it on the bed, damn a sexy pair of abs hes got, I can't help but stare and he notices. 

"don't miss me to much!" He says and winks as he exits the room. 

I just lay on my bed and think about him while he's gone. Not even noticing when he comes back till i hear the door slam I sit up so fast I get dissy. Then I see Niall just standing a few feet in front of me only covered by a towel. My eyes pop, then I look at him he's smiling.

"So should I leave the room to change or..." 

"No, You can change in her..I promis enot to look." I wink. I fall ack on to my bed facing the wall and play on my phone I shut the screen off and find him in my phone screen but he's still got his towel on.. Dammit! Then he walks over to his dresser pulls out the drawr and grabs a pair of Calvin Kleins boxers. He turns away from me and drops his towel, I can only see his ass... It's nice. he slips on his boxers.

"Okay you can look now." he says.

I turn and hes just standing there in his underwear,

"Gonna get anything else on?" I ask. 

"Well are we going out compus anytime soon?"


"Does me in my boxers make you uncomfertable?"


"Then No" He says grinning.

He opens his bag he keeps under his bed and pulls out a Play Station. hooks it up to the tv and turns it on.

"You mind if I play?" he asks

"Nahh go ahead, Im just gonna read."

But I really dont. I watch him play his racing game. He quite good, I can't believe he's just laying there in his underwear, If I was smooth I could so seduce him rate now... but that will never happen. So I just watch him, and all his perfectness. 


A\N kay so heres chapter 4, I believe it's longer then my last chapter, and more detailed, I hope you like it, Leave a comment, vote, view, and follow us! :) && sorry for any spelling errors. 

Chapter 4 wrote by Bev. c:

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