Colony Law

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-As always, I will not show favoritism when scoring entries. It's bad policy.

-Please submit ALL character forms, entries, etc. to I will not accept submissions in the form of a PM or entry book. 

-Entries will be scored out of 12, and scores will be cumulative. Each task, those with the lowest total score will be put up for votes. 

-Kills will function as negative points, and will detract from ones score. All kills will be submitted as ballot deaths, except in Task Six. I suggest you avoid them.

-ANYONE MAY VOTE IN THESE GAMES. You may vote for yourself. You may vote for other people. This will always be true. Having said that, I will be...thoroughly displeased if I discover someone has tampered with voting in any way. 

-Everyone in my Games will receive one 24-hour extension, no questions asked. After using this extension, I become significantly harder to impress. Keep this in mind.

-If you hand in late, I and I alone will determine how many points you receive, if any.

-In the event of a tie in voting, I will extend the deadline by one hour and send a message out to all followers. If the tie remains unbroken, I will break it in whatever way I see fit.

-If you have read this far, add "Rebirth" to the Other section of your character form to receive notes on the first task.

-I will be implementing the Gamemaker save in these Games. It functions as such: once per Task, I will examine the tributes up for votes. If an entry submitted by one of them has particularly impressed me, I will save them from votes. Note: I will only save one tribute, if any, and no tribute can be saved more than twice. 

-I don't assign word limits. I hate them with the fury of a thousand suns, and I firmly believe you should write as much as you need to make a good entry.

-I promise to always give at least five days to write an entry, and twenty hours to vote.

-As much as I love you all, I have a life and that life includes Organic Chemistry homework. I will try to post on time, but sometimes things don't go according to plan. Try not to panic- I'll get things done as soon as I can.

-Be respectful, everyone. To any readers, to me, to your competitors... I haven't had a problem with this in the past, and I hope to continue the streak.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Feel free to send me a PM, and I'll try to get the confusion cleared up as quickly as possible.

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