Colonist Slot 14: Xander Gallus

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Name: Xander Gallus

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Nation of Origin: Switzerland

Position: Personal Trainer (to keep everyone in shape)


Xander has brown hair and tan skin. His green eyes are mesmerising and he has a muscular body. Xander stand impressively at 6'3 and is very strong. Most of the time, a warm smile lingers on his lips.


Though Xander seems happy enough to most people. He's hurting inside, so much. When he's alone, he often thinks depressing things. He also suffers from anxiety. Most of the time though, Xander is very good at hiding this. He keeps up a joyful and energetic facade that is almost impenetrable to most.

Token: A small picture of his dog that he had to leave at home. He keeps it tucked in his pocket, safe and sound.


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