First Meeting

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The picture at the top is of Layla and what she is wearing.

We finally arrived at a nice two story house. My parents and I got down and went to the front door, knocking three times. When the door opened, a friendly face welcomed us in. She was probably mothers friend as she embraced my mother tightly. She then shook fathers hand and mine.

" Assalam alykom, welcome to my house " she said as she led us in. A few seconds later, two tall well built men emerged from the living room.

" This is my husband, and that is my son, Khalid " she introduced them. We shook hands with them and they told us to follow them into the living room while Aunti excused herself into the kitchen. Me and Khalid started a conversation about some random topics while my father chatted with Amo Abu Khalid and Mother went into the kitchen by Aunti.



As I finished brushing my hair out, I decided that I was ready. I don't wear the scarf because I feel as if I am not ready for it yet. Many people judge me and assume that I am a bad Muslim just because I don't wear it, but I just ignore those people because they don't even know me.

I was wearing a long mid-waist peach colored skirt and a white long sleeve crop top with a gold cuff belt that covered the small amount of skin showing. I also had on a long gold chain with a gold heart on it. As for my shoes, I had flats the same color as the skirt with a gold design on them.

I don't usually dress up but Mom made sure that I wear something nice by threatening me with my phone. I took one look at myself before walking downstairs. When I reached the bottom step, the smell of food reached my nostrils so I made my way into the kitchen.

I was surprised to find that my mother was not alone, but there was a lady that looked to be around the same age as my mom there. They were chatting and laughing so they didn't notice my presence. I smiled as I realized that this was my mothers best friend, Aunti Um Mazen. I cleared my throat as I went and greeted her.

" Assalamu Alaikom Aunti " I greeted her. " Wa Alykom al Salam habibti Layla. Mashallah you have grown into a beautiful woman " she greets back. I smile and say " Thank you, Aunti."

" Lulu, Aunti and I are going to sit by the rest, do you mind bringing the coffee?" Mother asks. " Not at all " I respond.

As they walk out of the kitchen I start to prepare the coffee tray and add a few appetizers to the side. I then take it and walk into the living room. I look down as I walk in and serve the men first, then the woman. I was about to walk out when Aunti asks me to sit with them.

I take a seat next to my father, which is right across from Mazen. I still have not seen him as I have kept my gave down.

" Don't be shy sweetie, he won't bite, right Mazen? " Aunti jokes. Everyone laughs and at that moment I was happy that I don't blush.

" Why don't we go and take our seats in the dinning room while these too discuss what they want to do " I look up in shock at my mothers request as she never liked me to be in a room alone with a guy besides family.

Everyone agrees and walks out. I start to feel nervous until I hear a soft, soothing voice say , "Hey". I respond with a "Hey" back.

" So how old are you? " he asks.

" 17 " I answer without looking up. " And you? " I ask.

" 22 " he says. I raise my head and look at him in shock as in why would he want to get married at such a young age. I get even more shocked when I see how beautiful he is. He's tall, well built, has the bluest eyes I've ever seen, and has a very nice jaw line.

I quickly recover and notice that he has been staring at me with the same expression as mine. I chuckle quietly as I realize he is probably wondering the same about me.

Just as I thought, he asks, " Why do you want to get married at such a young age? "

" I actually don't, I asked my parents to give me some time to at least finish college before getting married but they wanted me to see you. They said that they want us to get engaged as soon as possible at least." I finish.

He smiles, showing me a perfect set of straight white teeth, and says, " That's the exact same thing that my parents said " he responds. Then he says, " So let's get to know each other, may I have the pleasure of you telling me about yourself? "

" Of course " I smile. " Well, my name is Layla, I'm 17 years old, and I came here from Palestine when I was 7 years old. I just started my senior year in high school, and I want to study architecture in college. Right now I'm in student council, I play soccer, I do track, and I'm in Ifest, international club. "

He smiles and states, " Mashallah, you seem like a very active and outgoing girl. "

" I am. Your turn." I answer.

He smiles as he says, " My name is Mazen, I am 22 years old, and I was born here. I am also studying to be an architect and this is my last year in college as I graduated high school a year early. In high school I played football, soccer, and did wrestling as well as track. "

I chuckle, " And you say I seem active. "
He chuckles at that and says, " I like that you are active. "

My smile fades as I finally tell him, " If we both agree to this marriage, I want to be engaged for at least a year, if not two, and I don't want to have kids until I'm done with college. " I look at him nervously as I wait for his answer.

Our eyes meet as he responds, " I completely respect your decisions and also support them."

I smile at him widely until I hear my stomach growl from hunger. He smirks at me as I look down in embarrassment and says," Let's go eat, I'm starving. "

We both head to the dinning room as I lead the way. There are only two seats left, which are right next to each other. He pulls my chair out for me and takes the seat next to me. Everyone beams at us as if waiting for us to say something.

We look at each other and nod, then say, " We agreed " in unison. Everyone cheers as our mothers start planning for our engagement while we just laugh at their eagerness.

We finish eating then clean the table as the men go back to the living room. I was surprised when Mazen wanted to help until we kicked him out of the dinning room and kitchen.

Then we all sit and our parents start to bring up old embarrassing stories of me and Mazen until 2 am when they decided it was time to go home.

After Mazen and his family leave, Khalid goes home and we all go to sleep. I go to my room and change into my pajama shorts and crop top. I lay down and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Heyy guys!
I hope all of you like this chapter and comment and tell me what you think. Also please tell your friends/ family about this book so they can start reading as well. Yallah goodbye and inshallah next chapter will be soon.

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