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The picture at the top is of Layla and how she looks.


It's been a week since I've met Mazen. Our parents had asked us and we agreed that we will do our Nikah after I graduate high school.

Currently I was walking home with my two best friends, Maha and Mathews. Yes Mathews is a guy and he's been my best friend ever since I moved here. Most Muslim and Arab students at school talk bad about me because he is my best friend and we are always together. The fact that is gorgeous also makes people think that I'm dating him, which I'm not. Matt is 6'2" with dark black hair, an beautifully structured jaw line, and the greyest eyes I've ever seen. He is also quite built since he is the captain of the football and swim teams.

As for me, I have dark brown hair that is very thick. It is layered and reaches my waist. I also have big, pretty brown eyes that match it and big pink lips. When I talk or smile, my deep dimples show in my cheeks. As for Maha, me and her met freshman year of high school. She is very cute and wears the hijab. When me and her first met, we got close right away as we shared many common interests and were like twins except for the fact that we don't look alike.

We were all joking on the way home and me and Maha were making fun of Matt. Matt started chasing me as I made a smart remark at him and threw me over his shoulder. I was screaming at him to put me down while hitting his back with my fist and laughing. Soon I got tired of hitting him as it had no effect on him. Just as I stopped hitting him, a black Land Rover pulled up besides us and Mazen came out looking like he was going to murder Matt. I soon realized what it must look like to him and tried to stop him.

" Mazen it's not what it looks like " I yelled as I saw him charging at Matt from behind. Matt heard me and turned around to see what was going on. Since he knew about Mazen, he put me down after hearing his name.

Mazen looked at me a little confused at how easily Matt set me down. " Mazen," I started, " these are my friends Matt and Maha".

I saw him relax a little and his fist opened up as he calmed down. " Oh " he said. " But why was he hol-"

" We were just messing around " I interrupted. Just at that moment, Matt decided to talk, " Damn Lula, I know that you have a strong affect on guys but I wasn't expecting him to go into husband mode just after one meeting! " he exclaimed.

I saw Mazen tense and turned to slap Matt playfully on his arm as I told him to shut it. What surprised me though was Mazen's response.

" Well when a beautiful girl like that belongs to you then you have the right to get jealous when you see her with another guy, not matter who he is. " he responded.

My jaw dropped and I said politely, " Look Mazen, I appreciate that you care about me so much already but no one owns me. Just because we are going to get married does not mean that you own me. I am my own person and I will stay to be my own until I die. "

Mazen stares into my eyes as he smiles at my response. " I guess mother did find me the right wife, since I've always wanted one who doesn't let anyone control her. " he surprises me by saying.

Suddenly Matt says to him, " Dude I don't know what you did to her, but be glad that your still standing because if I said that to her, I would be on a stretcher right now. Whatever your doing keep it up!"

Mazen just smiles as I say, " Matt you will be on stretcher if you don't keep that mouth of yours shut " I threaten. Matt raises his arms up in mock surrender.

" Would you guys like a ride home?" Mazen offers.

I look at Matt and then at Maha to see why she's been quite this whole time as she's usually the loud one. I notice that she's looking up at Mazen in surprise because he is even hotter than Matt, who Maha has had a crush on ever since she met him. Even though Matt was tall, Mazen still towered over him, and let's not forget us as I stand at 5'2" and Maha stands at 4'11", since he is 6'4".

I hear Mazen cough and realized that he was waiting for our answer. " Sure " I said, " Come on guys lets go " I told them as Mazen started walking back to his car. I knew this was not haram because I was not with him alone.

Mazen sat in the drivers seat as me and Maha climed into the back while Matt sat in the passenger seat. Matt wasn't Arab, but he knew our deen since he himself converted to Islam a few years back.

I looked outside the window as the car started moving realizing that I wasn't comfortable acting normally infront of Mazen like I do with Maha and Matt. I heard Mazen and Matt start up a conversation about cars so I turned to Maha and we started talking about the dresses I should buy for prom and homecoming even though it was pretty early to do. Maha wasn't going because her parents won't let her so she said that she wants to help get me ready and I agreed. Throughout the car ride, me and Mazen kept stealing glances at each other in the rear view mirror and would turn away each time one of us caught the other.

The car ride lasted about 15 minutes as Mazen dropped off Maha, Matt, and then me at last. As he pulled up into my driveway, I smiled at him, " Thanks for the ride" I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

" It was my pleasure " he responds politely. I step out and go to his window, "Would you like to come in? I'm sure my parents would be happy to see you" I ask. He shows me his perfect smile as he says, " I would love to but I'm actually on my way to work. "

" Oh " I say, a little disappointed on the inside. " Well, ma3 al salama. " he says.

" Allah ma3ak " I respond and walk up to my door. I look back and notice that he is waiting for me to go inside to leave. I smile and wave at him as I step in.

As I walked in, my dad was sitting in the living room chair staring at me. He seemed mad so I went up to him and asked him what was wrong.

" I don't want you going out or seeing Mazen until you officially have your Nikah done, when you're married in Islam. " he says.

I smile as I say, " I know father and I wasn't out with him. I was just walking home with Matt and Maha when he came and asked if we would like a ride home. That was it. "

"Still sweetheart. You won't be graduating for another few months and I don't want you to go out with him alone you know that it's haram. Your with him alone just now since he dropped your friends off. I don't want you to take it the wrong way, though, because I trust you and I'm sure that he's a respectable young man, I just don't want people to start spreading rumors about you two." My dad worries.

I kiss the crease between his brows, "Ok habibi baba, I won't until you approve."

" What did I ever do to deserve a daughter like you? " My dad smiles.

" Well, you were smart enough to marry my mom." I point out.

Dad smiles with a faraway look in his eyes as he says, "I did." With a deep relaxed sigh.


Omg guys I'm so sorry, but today was actually my first time signing into my account in over a year because I've been so busy traveling and with school. Bs khalas I'm back now it's summer and I plan on finishing this story for you guys inshallah if Allah wants.

If you guys have any question or suggestions you could always message me and I would love to meet my beautiful readers. Remember to always smile at everybody, it's sunnah.

Inshallah I'll try to update and write at least two chapters this week bs you guys please understand that this is my first time actually writing so it's still new for me. Thanks and good night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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