Other End

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" Ahhhh " screams Zack as Professor Bailey smacks the ruler on his desk, right next to his face, to wake him up.

The whole class laughs at him as Mrs. Bailey questions him about the lesson. No one was surprised when he answered all of them correctly as this became a daily routine.

All the students file out as we get dismissed while I wait for Zack to wake up good.

" I don't know how you do it, man " I say to Zack. " I mean you sleep through every lesson but still manage to learn everything perfectly! "

Zack chuckles as he says " I learn better while sleeping, you should try it sometime "

" No thanks, I'm pretty sure I'd fail if I try it " I say as Zack chuckles.

" Alright, I'll see u tomorrow Mazen, have a great day " says Zack.

" You too, buddy " I reply.

We each part in different directions to go to our cars when I hear Zack yelling, " By the way don't forget to meet me at the masjid for our lessons on Friday! "

I laugh, " Don't worry, man "

Zack was my best friend, it's actually a funny story how we met. We've known each other since we were four. Zack always hated me for some reason, but at the age of 8, when our second grade teacher paired us together, we got to know each other better and became best friends since then. He started to come over a lot, and since he saw me praying many times, he asked me about Islam. When I explained to him what it was about, he asked me to start teaching him Arabic and more about Islam. Ever since then we started meeting up at the masque every Friday for lessons on arabic and Islam.

I started the car and went home. I was walking towards the front door when it opened before I even reached it.

" Asalamo alykom, son " greets Mom.

" Waalykom al salam, my beautiful queen " I reply as I kiss her cheek and forehead.

" What did you cook today, mom? " I ask.
" Your favorite sweetie, biryani! I also made you your favorite sweet"

" Really! Is there a special occasion or something today? " I wonder.

" Does there really have to be an occasion, I just felt like making my son his favorite sweets today " answers Mom with a frown on her face.

" Oh come on sweet cakes, don't get mad at me now " I say as I pinch her cheeks.

She slaps my hands away and says " How can I ever get mad at my handsome son "

" I'm gonna start getting jealous woman, if u don't stop treating him better then me " Dad says as he walks in.

" What?! Never! " Mom says as she puts her hand on her heart. Then she walks up to dad and kisses him on the cheek. " You're my first love but he's my last " Mom says.

" Does that mean I should start running?" I ask in a fake panic.

" Don't worry son " Dad says as he laughs, " I'm in a good mood today so I'm not going to chase you. "

" And what is the reason behind your good moods today? " I ask.

" Actually, its about you. You're going to be getting married! " Mom squeaks

" Yep, and to your mom's best friend's daughter, Layla " Dad finishes.

Wait what?!? What did they Just say, LAYLA? Who is she? Have I ever even met her?


Sorry u guys because I haven't been updating the story, it's just Ive been very busy this past month, with Ramadan and everything. And to my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, EID MUBARAK! Inshallah all of u guys have a blessed and eid and I hope u guys enjoyed this blessed month. I just want to add that Ramadan is bot the only time of the year where we should worship Allah fully. Allah should be worshipped every single day and always watch and think of what your doing or what u are about to do, for One day counts as a year by Allah. Always remember that no one is perfect and that everyone has sins, but Allah is the most merciful and will forgive u as long as u repent from ur heart. Btw I changed them from being cousins cause lets just be honest, it would be weird. Now he's her mom's best friend's son.

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