Luke sweet Luke

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It took hours but finally we got home! "So here's my house!" I told luke. I walked around the back after that. "And here's YOUR house!" I said as I pointed to the cellar. "WHAT?! WHY?" He yelled. "Cause." Bry said. So we took him down there and tied him up to a column that supported the bottom of the house. After that we duct taped his mouth so he would scream. "NO WAIT HELP!" He yelled as we put it over his mouth. "Oh Lukey!" I said. "Your so funny! Now come on! We've got to make you look nice! You'll have a guest soon!" I said. So we took out tweezers and started plucking his nose hair. "MMMMMM!!!" He yelled. "It's okay lukey Wookey! Pretty hurts! Beauty is pain!" I said. After that we combed his hair and made him presentable.
"so whom is his guest?" Bryonna asked me. "How would you like to adopt a Nash Grier?" I said. Bryonna squealed with excitement and clapped her hands.
So we would get a Nash Grier in the future, but first, I wanted to spend some time with Luke.

(Next chapter)

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