Stalking the luke

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We stopped the cab about two streets away and carried on from there on foot.
The whole way I was fantasizing all about running my fingers through his hair, wearing matching outfits to my school dance, chewing on his hair while he's asleep, date night, and just so much more! By the time we go to his house his mom was just leaving! As the garage door closed we ran in and jumped over the area of the scanner so that it wouldn't stop. After that, it was going just as planned when Bry realized something.
"Hey Jessie do you have the potion stuff?"
"Yeah bry, now here we each sip half the bottle and we'll shrink!"
"Uh Jessie that doesn't look like the same colored bottle of shrinking potion you got from the lab."
"Bry it's fine just drink it." I said.
And when we both drank it, suddenly, we both passed out.
We woke up about an hour later, and surprisingly, Luke had never went out into the garage in the amount of time we were out, because when we woke up, we could hear him making a video.
If he had found us he would have most likely screamed, but I heard no screaming, then again I was out, but he was making a video as if he doesn't know we're even here.
"Bry are you ok?" I said.
"Yeah Jessie just a little dizzy."
"Wrong one huh Bry."
"Yeah Jessie now let's go!"
So we did it without the potions, we just ran in and got him. And here's how it went down:

(Next chapter)

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