Chapter 2 - Questions Unanswered

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Recap time :

Putting his plan into action he opens the door slowly, and we tiptoe out of the room towards the stairs were halfway up the stairs when the Worst possible scenario happens

'Squeak' goes the board I just stepped on

And ' poof' goes the chances we have on getting out here without being caught.


My breath caught in my throat, I squeezed my eyes shut as if that would disguise me. Note to self; turns out that's not the best method when you're trying to escape.

I locked eyes with Carter who was looking around frantically. I'm guessing no one has heard us yet since they haven't said anything yet.

"Carter, is that you?" I heard a deep voice say, gathering that it was his foster dad I got even more nervous. He sounds huge if that makes sense.

Focusing on the task at hand, we all just decide the rush up the stairs.

"Yeah, it was me just wondering if you were home," Carter says making that up really fast might I add.

"Good thinking," Isaac says voicing my thoughts for me.

We quickly follow Carter to his room rushing in the door, I lock it behind me and come face to face with two not so happy looking boys.

This can't end well.

"Don't look at me like that," I said keeping my eyes downcast and walking over to his swivel chair that I absolutely love.

"You almost got us caught!" Isaac says with over exaggerated hand motions.

"Sorry, how was I supposed to know the stairs would squeak and besides were fine now," I said trying to prove my point.

"As much as I love hearing your guy's constant bickering, we need to open that zipper." Carter interrupts our fight.

I grabbed the stuffed animal out of my shirt and unzip its back. At first, all I saw was stuffing but, I stuck my hand in and felt something hard, grabbing it I found out it was a flash drive.

Spinning around in the chair I face the computer that's on top of the desk. Turning on the computer I wait for it to load.

"What do you think is on it?" Isaac asks

"How the hell am I supposed to know I thought it was just a stuffed animal," Carter says bitterly since he had just found out he was lied to by his foster parents.

"Maybe they didn't know." I offer

"Bullshit, they knew and decided they couldn't tell me." He says plopping down on his bed, with his hands behind his head.

"Well you won't know until you ask them, you should at least confront them," Isaac says giving his opinion.

"As much as I hate, and I mean hate to say this but Isaac is right. Maybe it will give us more information." I say

"Hell has just frozen over, you guys actually agreed on something," Carter tries to make light of the situation, but his smile doesn't fully reach his eyes.

Looking back to the computer it's finally on, gripping the flash drive in my hands I plug it in. and look over my shoulder and Carter is sitting up in his bed stiff as a board. I don't know why he's so nervous right now. Anything could be on here, but hopefully, it helps.

A file pops up me immediately click on it and a slide show of pictures show up. First is a picture of at least 25-year-old she's gorgeous. Hazel brown hair it was in a short bob and those dark chocolate eyes I've seen before, on carter of course. She was actually quite tall maybe 5'8 or so. She was stunning.

"That's my mom, before she um, got arrested." Carter choked out.

"There's a slideshow of pictures let's just go through them, pull up a chair or something guys," I say Isaac grabs chairs for both of them and they take a seat on either side of me. I look to my left notice carters hands are clamped in a tight fist, I gently take his hand in mine I can feel him relax as I intertwined our fingers together. I look up at him and flash him a shy smile which he returns.

"Ok let's do this thing." I heard him say.

So that's what I did, the next picture was of his mom dressed in all black at a funeral, it showed her with a black dress that went below the knee, but the strangest part was that she had long wavy blonde hair.

We all looked at each other confused so we kept looking. The next picture really threw us off because it was a close up of her face and it showed she had green eyes when clearly her natural color was brown. They must have been contacts.

The next picture was like the icing on the cake, it was a picture simply of a gravestone, with what I'm guessing is her name on it, along with the year she was born and the year she died and the date which was around this time last year.

"What. The. Hell?" Isaac says

"Agreed," I said looking over to Carter who seemed like he was in a trance.

"Just click the next one." He says emotionlessly.

I quickly do so and the next picture takes the air right out of my lungs. It's the exact same gravestone except theirs a mourner in front of it. It's not just any person it's the exact same person who is supposed to be six feet under.

Carters mom wasn't dead, as far as we know she's alive and well still with the same disguise on but this time she had on a long winter coat, leggings, and boots to match.

"Okay, what the actual fuck is going on?" Carter says raking his hand through his hair.

"Well at least we know she's alive," I say rubbing his shoulders.

"Yeah but none of this adds up first she's attending a funeral and not just any normal one her own, did I mention she had a disguise on?" Isaac says

"Maybe she's running from someone, or is being blackmailed." I offer.

Those are both good possibilities. Why would anyone fake their own death out of the blue there has to be some sort of motive behind it? We all sit there stumped.

"Wait how the hell did this flash drive even end up in the bear, these photos are recent?" I say looking at both of them frantically.

"Maybe someone broke in," Isaac says

"Someone could have done it when no one was home," Carter says.

"But why, that's the real question, what was the point of planting it in there, and how did they know we would find it let alone look in there?" I question.

None of this is adding up. First, we find a bear which Carter's foster parents claim to have lost, meaning they knew it was down there. Or maybe they were telling the truth and someone planted it in the room downstairs which meant someone broke into Carter's house.

Then we find out theirs a flash drive with evidence that Carter's mom faked her own death but why like I said who would fake their own death for fun there has to be a reason behind it.

The only thing I know for certain is that Carter's mom is alive and faked her own death. And that's not much.

"How could someone find out we were looking for her?" Isaac questions.

"Was that the last of the pictures?" Carter asks.

Looking back to the screen I notice there is in fact one picture left


this chapter is dedicated to my second place winner on my banner contest I love this banner so much! thanks again @Autmnfireflyx your a legend lovely banner!:)


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