Chapter 4

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Harry’s P.O.V


I awake to someone yelling ~great, must be another street fight I think until I roll over and realise that I’m on someone’s bed I quickly sit up feeling dazed and take in my surroundings. “WHAT? He’s here?!” I hear an unfamiliar voice yell “Liam! Keep it down for god sake he’s sleeping.” When I hear that voice all the memories of yesterday came flooding back through my head; Louis taking me home, me falling, then breaking down in front of him. ~oh god Harry you can’t just sleep in some strangers’ house you have to leave.

“Lou I can’t believe you actually brought him here! You have no idea what his motives are!” I frown when I hear who I assume is Liam saying that what does he think I am a serial killer? “You haven’t even met him yet so you have no right to assume stuff like that! He’s actually a really nice guy, and I can see in his eyes that he’s broken and I’m going to fix him.” I blush like crazy and tears start to well in my eyes. No one has ever cared this much about me and he’s only known me for like two days, this is the most anyone has ever cared about me.

“Look Lou I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from, but it’s hard you never do this sort of stuff! I’m the one who normally helps people but even I wouldn’t pick a homeless person off the streets! So why did you do it?”

Louis sighs really loud. “So I finally start doing something nice and helpful for once and you put me down for it, I can never win with you Li!” “Lou answer the question, why did you do it?”

 “Because you should have seen him sitting there, he looked so helpless and the fact that he was so young broke my heart! I couldn’t just leave him there, I don’t know, it’s like I had a strange attraction to him and there was no way I was going to leave him there.” I blush even more I’m pretty sure my face looks like a beetroot right now thank god it’s dark. “That’s all I wanted to know Lou, look I do think it’s great what you’ve done and I’m trying to get my head around it but it’s hard.”

I really need to use the loo right now but I have no idea where to go and my only option is to go out to Louis.

Louis P.O.V


“Yeah Li I get it but maybe when you me--” I was cut off when I saw Harry walking down the hallway towards us. His hair was all over the place which I think looks adorable and his cheeks have a slight pink tinge to them. “U-um sorry to interrupt b-but where’s the loo?” Harry’s voice was really deep and thick with sleep, he sounded so sexy ~Lou stop thinking like that “Just down the hall second door on the right.” I smile at him and he wonders off.

“Wow” Liam says I look over to him. “He doesn’t look what I expected him to” I frown “What do you mean?” I ask “I mean he looks like a normal guy, I know why you took him home” Liam winks at me and I roll my eyes “Liam don’t start please yes he’s good looking but I took him to help him! Not screw the living daylights out of him.” “But you wouldn’t mind doing that either” he laughs as my face turns scarlet red “Whatever Li” I walk around and sit down on the couch.

 After a few minutes Harry walks out into the lounge “Harry this is Liam, Liam this is Harry.” I say walking over to Harry so he feels a bit more comfortable. “Hiya Harry” Liam holds out his hand for Harry to shake. Harry hesitantly takes it “H-hi” He gives Liam a quick smile then pulls his hand away. “So uh Harry how did you sleep?” I ask “Really g-good thanks u-uh I should probably g-get going” I roll my eyes “Harry don’t be stupid, what do ya want for breakfast?” I ask

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