Chapter 1- Friends

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Kendall was friends with Kylee Renee Taylor for about 7 years now. She had met her boyfriend, Hunter Rowland, about 5 years ago! Ever since then Kendall got obsessed with the Rowland family! She especially loved Brandon for his appearance and his abs...(Hawt!) She didn't want to admit this to Brandon until he had talked about it. Kylee was over at Kendall's and when she heard about this she freaked!
" Omg! I am totally telling him and my babe, Hunter!" Kylee squealed.
" NO, NO! please he won't talk to me ever again if you tell him!
Kendall pleaded.
Kendall didn't want Brandon to know how much she loved him! The whole after noon Kendall had a major headache and was sweating for like an hour!
" Guess what, Kendall!?" Kylee said.
" What?" Kendall sighed.
" Brandon would love to hang out with you today at 3:00 P.M!
Kendall was so nervous she was hyperventilating!
" My life is over!" Kendall said depressed.
The two girls went over to the Rowland household and sat and drank some "fancy lemonade" with Hunter and Brandon.
" What's wrong Kendall?" Brandon muttered.
" oh, uhm, me, uhm, nothing, nothing why do you ask , I am good as ever! Like ,uhm, a happy unicorn, yeah!"
" Okay... A happy unicorn, eh! Wait 'till you see my bedroom!
Brandon and Kendall went up to his room and when Kendall went up there she half way died! Her face turned blue as an ocean and her eyes went kind of in the back of her head. Then she fell and luckily Brandon was there to catch her! Carefully, Brandon lied her on his bed and put a fuzzy, pink blanket over her that had his face on it! ( Great, now she probably is going to die!) Brandon lied next to her with his hand on her heart. The beat of her heart made him fall asleep.

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