Part 1: The love magazine photoshoot

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Cara POV

*Ring Ring* Love magazine photoshoot in one hour!

Oh shit. I quickly had a shower, sort of did my hair only because I have people to do it for me there. And slapped on a white singlet and ripped shorts. I ran out the door shielding my face from the paparazzi and the flashing lights and jumped in the black limo with the driver waiting for me. "Am I taking you to the love photoshoot miss Delevingne?" The driver asked me. "Yeh thanks" I responded quickly trying my hardest not to be rude.

After what felt like an hour drive I arrived at the photoshoot with ten minutes to do hair and makeup before actually starting the photoshoot.

I apologised to the photographer for being late and made my way to the set and there stood the one and only Kendall Jenner. She was so gorgeous, holy shit she's so much prettier then I thought she would be. She caught me staring and started walking towards me while smirking.
Kendall: "Hey I'm Kendall it's such a pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much about you and I see you everywhere!"
Cara: "I'm Cara, umm, you look really pretty today."

Omg I'm such an idiot, I'm so nervous and I have no clue why

Kendall: "Thanks, you too"
Cara: "So umm, how long have you been modelling for"

Just as she opened her mouth to answer the photographer called out to us and we had to go on set.

On set we were posing together, using each other as props and we were touching, our skin rubbing together and it was giving such an intense feeling I never wanted it to stop.

"Kendall on Cara" the photographer suddenly called out.

"What?" I questioned

"Cara pick Kendall up!" The photographer almost shouted at me

So I picked Kendall up and I pretended to drop her which was pretty funny we were all laughing but then the photographer snapped us out of it "Girls, no more mucking around, come on get to it!"

He was a really good photographer but he was kind of an asshole.

Photographer: "Ok good job I got the photo!"
Kendall:"Aw...I was just getting started"
Cara:"Don't worry I'll carry you whenever you want Kenny"
Kendall:"Well then why don't you start now"

After Kendall said that she ran towards me and jumped into my arms, I was so shocked that I fell and she fell on top of me. We were both laughing hysterically and then Kendall randomly said "Wanna meet up for coffee tomorrow?." My heart was pounding so fast, all I wanted to do was scream YES but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I've never been so excited to meet someone for coffee in my entire life. "Yes, I would love to meet for coffee, I'll pick you up at 12:30?". "Perfect, I'll text you my address". Then we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

The rest of the night I watched Netflix and played a bit of C.O.D and then I went to bed.

I can't wait till tomorrow...

Its my first time writing a book, hope you enjoy!

CaKe: Cara Delevingne and Kendall JennerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora