One Shot - Zayn and Raiyne

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Third person's P.O.V.

"Mrs. Raiyne Malik was driving home from work. She started the car at exactly 4:08 am and started to drive to her home that she shares with her husband, Zayn Malik."


Raiyne finished washing the last table in the hall and put the cloth down. She was visibly tired, but she decided she'll drive home. Coming out from the hall that wedding was held in, she started her car. he slowly took out to the road and continued driving slowly and carefully.

"Hey babe. I just finished with my work and I'm driving home. I got day off for tomorrow and I have big news for you. Sleep tight, I'm home in a second." 

She clicked End Call on screen of her phone and focused back on the road.


"She was driving 60 mph. Her husband says that she was coming home from her work. She works as a wedding waitress."


Raiyne was coming to last crossroad and the light on traffic light said red which meant for her to stop. But from the speed of a car it was visible that she doesn't intend to stop.

Coming thought the crossroad, van hit her.


"Man in a van said that his traffic light said go and that he didn't see her coming. That it was like she just appeared in front of her. He hit right in her side, getting only few cuts. Mrs. Malik was seriously injured and on her way to hospital they had to bring her back three times. Her heart gave her out at exactly 4:13."

Zayn's P.O.V.

Right after I heard message from my babe, I went off to sleep. I didn't even get to sleep tight when my phone rang. Looking at the time, I asked myself who could that be.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, is this Zayn Malik?" 

"This is me." I answered being bit concerned now.

"We would ask you to come to hospital as soon as you can. It is about your wife."

"What about her?" I freaked out.

"You should come to hospital, its not something to talk over the phone." Voice said and hung up.

I started to really freak out, so I grabbed all of my stuff and headed to hospital. Throughout the whole ride, I was worried. I hoped that nothing serious happened, but something was telling me I was so wrong. 

Pulling up at the hospital door, I ran inside and to the nurse. 

"I'm husband to Raiyne Malik. I was asked to come here." I said begging her to tell me she's okay.

"I can't tell you anything about her, but I can lead you to the doctor that received her. Just follow me." he said and started to walk.

I followed her through series of hallways, just begging to go faster. I couldn't take all of this not telling me where she is. At the end, I was scared to enter doctor's office. But I had to.

"Zayn Malik." I said when I entered.

"Dr. James Word. You should sit down." He said and I did like I was told to.

"Your wife had a car crash. She was brought to hospital, but before that they have to bring her back three times in ambulance car. We did try our best, but her heart just couldn't take it. We called it in 4:13. I am really sorry." Doctor said.

"Can I see her?" I asked refusing to believe what he just told me.

Without a word, he brought me to her. Her lifeless body was lying there on the table. She looked so peaceful. While I was stroking her hair, tears just streamed down my face. Why her? We were finally happy and together and now this had to happen. Why?!

Doctor tapped my shoulder holding some chart. "I'm sorry, I really am, but your wife was pregnant for four weeks."


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