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"Rosy! Wait a minute!" Davy sprinted up to Rosemary as he desperately called for her to stop.

Rosemary whipped around to glare at him. "What part of 'go away' did you not understand?" she snapped.

"Please, love, let's just talk about this," Davy pleaded.

"There's nothing to talk about," Rosemary mumbled. "You lied to me, Davy."

"Just give me a chance, Rosy, please!" Davy grabbed ahold of her hand.

Rosemary yanked her hand away from his grasp. "I've given you too many chances!" she shouted. Davy flinched. "The mistakes you've made before was something I could deal with. But this..." Angry tears pooled her silver-green eyes. "What you did this time was unforgivable!"

"I know," Davy nodded. "You're absolutely right. Oh God, Rosy, I'm so sorry. I swear I am."

"Sorry isn't good enough anymore, David!" Rosemary cried.

"Please, baby, we can work this out," Davy shifted closer to her and brushed his fingers through her hair that was dark as midnight. "I know we can. Please don't end what we have."


"I love you."

Rosemary forced herself to gaze into his brown eyes. The eyes that had melted her heart when she first met him. The eyes that she would normally get lost in. Davy leaned forward and planted his lips upon hers.

For a moment, Rosemary responded. But then, realizing what was happening, she pulled away abruptly and shook her head.

"No, Davy!" she yelled. "No, you can't just kiss me and think it'll be alright! It's not alright!" She swiftly brushed past him and walked away.

"Wait!" Davy cried. He grasped her arm as tears welled up in his eyes. "Rosy, please don't leave me!"

"Let me go!" Rosemary shrieked, pulling her arm away. "And stop calling me Rosy!"

"Please," Davy whispered as a single tear cascaded down his cheek.

A silent sob spilled from Rosemary's lips. "I don't ever want to see you again!"

And with that, she stormed away. And Davy didn't bother following her this time. He wanted to. But he couldn't, because his mother had once told him:

"If you love someone, set them free."

He did love her. He just wasn't sure if she still loved him.

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