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niall : harry?

niall : i know its 2 am

niall : and there's school today

niall : but I'm just feeling like such crap

niall : and I have no friends

niall : harry?

harry : what do you want niall

harry : sorry that was rude i just saw your messages

harry : what's up??

niall : idk i just want to talk to someone and have a normal conversation because the only conversations i have are usually angry/sad ones

niall : what school are u in btw, we've talked for weeks and i haven't asked

harry : holmes chapel Comprehensive school

niall : woT

niall : oh my god i go there tOO


niall : cool I'll meet you at the benches 7.30

harry : that sounds a bit early

niall : go big or go home

harry : ok Texan man go sleep

niall : now i can sleep with ease

niall : good night harry i love you

delivered 02:23

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