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niall : we did it

zayn : did what

niall : WE MADE OUT.

zayn : wait what

zayn : who did you make out with

niall : my side chick


niall : you know

niall : my man ❤❤❤❤❤❤

zayn : oh my god

zayn : pls chill EW

zayn : but how was it

niall : it was magicaL

niall : like i swear to god

niall : he even gave me H I C K E Y S

niall : that's great tho but we have an event and????

niall : the fans are gonna turn into the FBI if they see my hickeys

zayn : do you want concealer

niall : why am i not surprised that you have concealer

zayn : sometimes i just want to cover up my eyebags without paying for a fucking makeup crew!!!

niall : ok cool

zayn : oh yeah how's louis

niall : i think we're okay now

niall : we talked a lot more after i finished making out w harry

niall : did i tell you how great that was

zayn : you did

niall : hehshhee

niall : i think louis and i are okay for now, but i think him and harry will always be somewhat awkward. might take a while before they get back to being normal friends

niall : 😕

zayn : it's okay mate

zayn : you did your best

niall : mhm

zayn : but you're happy, right?

zayn : because i will break harry's dick off if he breaks your heart

niall : yes

niall : finally

niall : i am happy

niall : I've stopped talking to my abusive dad

niall : there's no more toxic people in my life

niall : i've got great friends

niall : and i finally got the man of my dreams

niall : i couldn't ask for more :)

good bye my dudes. I've been writing this for 3 years and i finally finished this. FINALLY. I've decided to write an epilogue to end this story instead of ending it so abruptly.

thank you to everyone who has continued to read this despite the lack of frequent updates. shit I'm emotional :') i love you all.

long live narry ❤ (these bitches rly need to meet up again tho)

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