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harry : hey louis

harry : can we talk?

harry : i need to be honest with you

louis : oh hi harry

louis : yeah sure, go for it

harry : okay

louis : it's been 20 fucking minutes, what did you want to say, I'm pacing back and forth here looking like a fucking idiot you arse

harry : sorry

harry : ok i don't know how to put this nicely

harry : I'm dating someone

louis : oh

louis : well that's nice, do you want me to arrange a fucking wedding for you two or something

harry : louis stop getting angry

harry : I'm dating niall

louis : oh

louis : i see

harry : i just wanted to tell you because i didn't want to be left in the dark and have to hear it from someone else

louis : that's nice of you

louis : i think

harry : i really did enjoy dating you, louis. we did have some good times together, and i won't forget them. i just wish we could have a normal friendship like we used to

louis : me too

louis : oh well!!! I'm probably going to get killed by a stampede of fangirls so i have no regrets

harry : haha me too

Harry set down his phone and was content with himself. he looked down at Niall, who was sleeping on his lap. Harry smiled at him, then kissed his forehead and began to play with Niall's hair.

if only the same could be said for Louis. he was crying silently in his apartment, staring at the texts again and again, wishing he was able to get Harry back.

soooooo i log back in after a week and i get a bunch of reads and votes and legit comments saying how funny the story is, and I was like :

so i wrote this quick chapter for y'all at 3 am, y'all are welcome (i said y'all like 20 times wow time to bust out the country songs)

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so i wrote this quick chapter for y'all at 3 am, y'all are welcome (i said y'all like 20 times wow time to bust out the country songs)

ALSO I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS SAD but if you read louis' parts in his english accent (eg he says FOOKING instead of fucking) you'll be cackling bitch

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