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Niall's fingers slammed into the phone keypad, trying to dial in Zayn's number. the phone rang for a few seconds, before Zayn spoke.

"hey Niall-" Zayn greeted Niall, but Niall was too impatient. to him, the situation was somewhat similar to a national emergency.

"Harry sent me nudes and I don't know what to do like does this means he wants to have sex with me or is he doing it for fun or maybe it was a dare I mean you know how some of his friends are-"

Zayn quickly interjected, not understanding a single word of what Niall was saying. "slow the fuck down dude! I have no idea what you're saying."

Niall took a deep breath. "okay, well Harry sent me nude pictures. Harry, with no clothes to cover his chest or his legs or his dic-"

Zayn interrupted again, not wanting to hear the rest of what Niall had to say. "I know what nudes are, you don't need to explain it to me. why did he send them though?"

"well I'll explain briefly. Harry set my ringtone to his Screamo version of 'One Thing', and I was taking a nap and it started ringing. so I go and find it while it's still ringing. then it stops ringing, and I find it on the kitchen counter. I'm so stupid right?

"anyway, I pick up my phone, and see a missed call and a message from Harry. he asks me if I like my ringtone and I say I would rather see Donald Trump's nudes than have to listen to his stupid screaming. he asks me if I really do, and I say yes. then he sends me a picture and asks me, "what about my nude pictures" with a picture attached.

"naturally, I said I won't open it, but I do. and good Lord, his body is perfect, he was glistening with perspiration like he had just finished working out! he's even got a huge d-"

"okay okay okay! too much information, and that certainly wasn't brief," Zayn yelled, before he lowered his volume back to normal. "just calm down and think about it. he must like you enough to send you nude pictures.

"anyway, I've got to go. just stay calm, and please, don't ever tell me again that Harry has a huge dick. it's just uncomfortable for me."

Niall burst out laughing. "sorry, but it's true-" "Niall shut up!" Zayn yelled again, "but I'll talk to you later." then Zayn quickly hung up, before Niall could tell him something he definitely didn't need to know.

Niall pocketed his phone, only for it to buzz again. he pressed his lips together in a thin line, then he pulled it out and quickly opened up the message he had received.

harry : so did you like it?

Niall panicked again, and threw his phone on the floor, smashing it into pieces.

"well then, I guess I need a new phone," he said to himself, bending down and picking up the pieces of his phone.

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