Hello Pine Tree~

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It has been a few years since the teenage boy named Dipper Pines left Gravity Falls, he was probably 16 by now. 
Yet anyways, this time, Dipper decided to return. Yet what for? The world may never know, so let's just find out, lol.  

And so Dipper got to the bus stop, his sister Mabel following right behind. The both waited until the bus had finally arrived.

 Dipper walks in and drops himself onto the seat next to the window, glancing blankly elsewhere at the sudden thought that came into his mind. Bill. Dipper shivers at the thought, attempting to snap out of it. But oh, the thought of the Dream Demon was overtaking him. Was Dipper falling for him? We'll find out later  as this fanfiction goes on. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Man that's gonna be some kinky shit. 

Dipper dealt with it as if he was giving up, cupping his chin as he watched into the distance of some landscape as well as listening to some music on Spotify. As for his sister Mabel, she was sitting next to him, communicating with the people sitting aside her. Where is this going...

''Are you okay, bro-bro?'' Mabel asked, turning away from some friends she had made. Already. Oh my fucking God. ''Yes, I'm fine, Mabel Juice..'' Dipper sighed, diving back into his thoughts, ''Alright Dippin' Sauce!'' Mabel exclaimed in joy, turning back to her friends without hearing any response. Omf I like the nicknames they give eachother.

~Timeskip. Two hours later ayyy.~ 

The Pines twins had arrived at the bus stop of Gravity Falls, Dipper grabbing his and Mabel's bags, hopping off, ''Jeez Mabel, why'd you have to bring so much?'' he questioned as Mabel patted Dipper's head, taking one of her bags. ''Better now, Mr.IComplainAboutEverything?'' Mabel asked sarcastically, snickering. Dipper only pokerfaced, heading off to the direction of the Mystery Shack as Mabel, oh she skipped behind the boy, humming some song, which seemed like Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend. 

As soon as the twins had approached the shack, they had knocked on the door, Grunkle Stan walking out in his blue briefs and that white shirt, ''Stan-!'' Mabel shouted, glomping her uncle. Dipper shook his head at the two, smiling beforerunning up the stairs to set the bags down in his room, without even unpacking. Was he really that obsessed with his tho- Bill?  Dipper blinked, to only slide down the handrails in order to access the kitchen, in where he said the following sentence ''Hey Mabel- I'm gonna go... uh... walk around in the woods. If Stan will wonder where I am, please tell him I went to explore.'' 

''All right Dippin' Dots!'' Mabel waves as Dipper walks out, shutting the door behind him.

However, the thoughts didn't leave his mind. The boy went on by the path which led into the forest, until he heard a voice echo through the woods, ''Pine Tree? Is that you?'' The familiar voice questions as Dipper perks his head, ''Wh-Who are you??'' Dipper asks, yet without realization. The voice didn't reply, but only  showed a figure of what seemed to be  a man. Yes, that was Bill. The one and only.

''It's me, Pine Tree. How could you forget?''  Bill managed to walk up closer as Dipper stared in confusion, ''B-Bill? Didn't we defeat you? A-And why are you a human?'' the dream demon only chuckles, accompanied by a smirk ''Barely, Pine Tree. I'm immortal. And human I am, because... Well... Reasons.'' 
''Oh... That explains everything..'' This was getting so awkward, Dipper thinks to himself, feeling his cheeks heat up, only hearing Bill's reply, ''I can read minds, y'know,'' the blond points out, ''So Pine Tree, I must tell you that I have truly missed you.''

''Bullshit. You tried to destroy my life, my family, my friends- You've possessed me. How could you after all that miss me? I thought you hated me,'' the boy states, 

''Look, Pine Tree... I want to confess that I am not the same asshole anymore. I'm not going to do anything bad to you, your family nor your friends anymore, I swear. I want to be a better person. For you. Give me a chance?'' Bill frowned as if he was honest. Yet he was.

Dipper looked down and back up at Bill, all of a sudden leaning in to hug him in reply. Bill wraps his arms around the smaller boy. ''Bill...'' Dipper whispered, ''...I missed you too...'' And with that, Dipper nuzzled into Bill's shoulder, letting go of the hug after some time. 

''And... There is one more thing I want to confess.'' Bill raised his finger, ''Since you had left, my life got oh so boring...A- Oh, what am I saying, just-'' Bill stopped right there, glancing to Dipper,  grabbing onto his hoodie collar, the brunette gasping in surprise and shock.

''Kiss me. Now.'' Bill faced Dipper, the other slightly dropping his jaw, his cheeks burning a light shade of  red.
Dipper leaned in until their lips connected, the two giving into the kiss as Dipper placed his hands onto Bill's hips, continuing the kiss for quite a while until the both pulled out, ''Bill.. I think I- love you..''

''Then I think I love you too..''

End of Chapter One.

 Hello my bootyful kittens,
I know what you're thinking.
It is crap.
But ayyy, #BillDip4lyf.

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