Chapter 7 - Awkward

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Hey lovelies. We had some spare time to write up a short chappie so yeah here I am illegally on the internet at 2am. Tisk tisk well enjoy! <3 <3 

Louis POV

 I nudge Harry with my thigh as Perrie and Zayn engage in conversation as he stops midsentence and gives me an evil playful smirk that I return as I narrow my eyes as he giggles a bit and throws his leg in between mine as I sport a blush. Yes I like Harry. I mean how could I not he's so adorable with his dimples and green eyes and curly hair and long legs and ugh everything about him. I lightly tap my foot against the foot that has his leg thrown over mine as he does the same twice "Game on curly" I whisper to him. As he smirks back.

Once Harry and I had a very hard-core game of footsie the waitress came back with our drinks we all ordered a large chicken and bacon BBQ pizza. Once she came back with the pizza we all started chatting and I learned more and more about Harry. Perrie and even a few more things about Zayn!

 I have to admit I did get spaced out in Harry a few times and even started to curl his hair around my finger and then let it boing off and giggle a bit when it would assume its position as Harry would just look to me and laugh a bit. After we all finished our pizza and drinks paid and left we got back in the car Perrie asked where I am sleeping tonight and before I could answer hate jumped out of his seat and yelled "MY PLACE!" And then he turned to me with a big goofy grin.

Harry POV

Okay it was a little scary having a seriously handsome boy coming to stay at your house. Okay it’s REALLY scary. Like honeslty he’s so attractive and what if my house isn’t good enough. “You okay Hazza?” Louis asked with real concern.

“Oh yeah, just worried my house won’t be good enough” I replied mumbling.

“I have been living in a mud hutt the last 4 months, anything is perfect” Louis gave me a quick hug awkwardly in the car.

“Now get out you lot” Perrie yelled while laughing and practically kicking us out of her car.

I grabbed Louis hand awkwardly but he just smiled and entwined his fingers with mine. He knew it was purely friendly. I mean he knows I am straight. Well am I straight? I don’t even know myself. Louis smiles purely at me while I unlock the door and I am just lost in him. “Why are you so perfect” I mumble to myself.

“Actually you’re the perfect one harry” I blush furiously and realise I must have said that out loud.

“You are very handsome Louis” I reply but smile at him again and he just hugs me. Fuck he is just so ugh I am fangirling because he’s so hot and nice and kind and so just loveable. The problem with having louis in my house is that I just feel like nothing is good enough for him. I mean he should be staying in some flashy hotel but instead he is stuck here with me.

“Nice place” Louis smiled while walking around examining the place. I just blushed and sat on the couch. I know I should go make him some coffee or offer him something but I just am not in the right frame of mind for that. I feel the seat beside me on the couch go down and it’s kind of an awkward silence but not. “Want to watch a movie?” I ask Louis and he just nods. I get up and flick green hornet on. In no time Louis and I are having a laugh and I am practically curled up against his side and even better he didn’t seem to care.

Louis POV

 Harry was snuggled up into my side as I couldn't help but blush I think he didn't notice it though thank god. I laced my arm around his shoulder as he just scooted himself a little more closer into my side my heart fluttered at how perfect this is.

Being with Harry just watching a movie and being in this adorable little house it so cosy And homey I love it. Once the movie ended I looked to Harry as I heard him snoring a bit I smiled at the adorable little Harry In my side as I grabbed the throw blanket and carefully threw it over me and Harry as the sudden movements made him shuffle a bit in his sleep as he moaned from the loss of comfortableness as I quickly returned to be his human body pillow.

 I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, bacon pancakes perhaps? I quickly rub my eyes as I freak out for a second and then relax remembering I'm at Harry's house, the little freak out session I just had woken up Harry, smooth Louis smooth. "Whaa" Harry says in the may I say sexiest morning voice ever. He looks up to me sleepily and then smiles as he looks down to see he still has his arms laced around my side "oh sorry" he says as he quickly lets go of my waist. "Oh it's fine really" I blush a bit "Yeah Harry's always been a cuddlier!" I hear a Sweet but loud voice say as I turn my head in the direction it came from to see a woman making pancakes with long brunette hair. I'm guessing is Harry's mother "Mmuuuuuumm" Harry growls sitting up blushing "Whhat it's true!" She laughs a bit as I laugh with her as a blush grows on Harry's face.

"Oh don't be so angry you two looked adorable cuddled up on the couch together his arm thrown over your shoulder, oh I've waited for you to wake up with a muscular handsome man" I start to laugh more to we're my sides hurt as Harry blushes furiously.

 "I- I no I was just-" Harry stutters over his words as he waves his arms as I'm almost to the point of laughing so hard ill fall off the couch "oh Harry you don't have to explain yourself to me, come on sweetie you and your friend can have some pancakes" Harry quickly jolts off the couch still sporting a blush as he goes and mumbles angrily to his mother while she just laughs a bit trying to hold it in. I laugh a bit too as I throw the blanket off of me and fold it up and set it on the couch as I walk over to the kitchen "Sorry I don't think I've introduced myself, I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson"

"Anne, Harry's mother. It's nice to meet you Louis" she accepts the handshake and gives a genuine smile to me, she seems so sweet and nice and motherly. "So Louis would you like a pancake, bacon, orange juice?" She offers me as I smile to her while Harry takes a place at one of the bar stools I throw myself onto the stool next to him and give him a big goofy grin as he smiles and returns a funny face that has his eyebrows shot up and his tongue stuck out while he closes one eye.

I laugh at the face as Anne excuses herself to go get dressed out of her night gown as me and Harry continue our game of who can look more stupid. Once Harry and I finally make ourselves a plate of food Harry asks me "so" he says through munches "whadda wanna do today?"

"I dunno Hey you wanna see my place? It's like maybe 50 minutes away" Harry swallows his food as he gives a large goofy grin "dinner and a movie first" he says as we start to laugh together "no I'm kidding, that sounds like a lot of fun Louis" he says as he places another piece of pancake in his mouth and smiles a big grin showing his adorable dimples off, how much cuter can this boy get?

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