Chapter 3

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"So," starts Tela. "That was an interesting lunch." Eyeing me with worry in her eyes. 

"Listen, I understand that all of those people out there would think this is an honor, but it's not. I was prepared to die, I was expecting it. And for everyone to think that Republic is just going to lay down and take us twisting their games, you guys have another thing coming. And please stop talking to Darius, he is scheduled to be the last one, the if you live you have to face him tribute, and so he is not thinking clearly. You should have heard him talking. No one and I mean no one is looking for another rebellion."  I look at Tela hoping that some of what I said has sunk in with her, but I can tell it hasn't. She was never told the stories that I was told, she doesn't know that if one source of power goes down another one will rise and do whatever it takes to keep that power. Suddenly I am angry at her.

"Tela, I know that you don't understand, but let me tell you. There is no win in this situation. Even if you guys still kill yourselves that will only last a few days, then we will be thrust into the old ways of doing the Games, where it is a free for all. I know-" It hits me, suddenly I am running from our room. 

Laim is out in the yard practicing with a spear of some kind. He sees me burst through the door and rushes over to meet me, with a look on his face that says I look like a crazed woman and he might be right with what I am about to suggest. 

"Listen, I have an idea. We ask for the old style of the games. We ask for it to be like it was when the Capital was in power. They still get their deaths and entertainment, but we ask that two people be spared instead of just one." I say all of this while trying to catch my breath. 

Laim takes my hand and we go sit on some benches, puts his head in his hands, and then begins to speak. "Nicole, do you know what you are asking? I want to help you stop this from happening, but you have just figured out a way for it come sooner, why? I know that you think you are beating Darius at his own game, but you are giving all of us up for death in way that is more cruel than you know."

Laim's voice echoed in my head, a part of me knew he was right, but they were all going to kill themselves anyway right, even he had agreed to Draius' plan. "Well, at least two get to live and now I wont be some martyr for them, I will not be a pawn for them and you, you know that is what they are trying to get me to be. I am not my great great grandmother, even when she had decided to rise again, it was because they killed her husband and two of her children, and then those around her used her. Laim, I can't let them use me. I know it might be hard to understand."

Again his eyes met mine, I figured that he knew who I was from my earlier talk with Darius, but the calculating in his eyes told me this was not the case. Then with out warning he gave me a huge hug. At first I just sat there stiff as I could then after taking in his scent and warmth I sank into his hug not wanting it to break. After sometime he pulled back and looked at me. 

"I will help you, but you have to talk to Darius first. He needs to know to get the others on board, that way the Republic will have no choice but to listen. The Republic will have to suspend the games for no more than a week to get everything ready but during that time we can be training. They still get their show but it's our way." 

I looked at him, his eyes became like pools of water. I knew that this was hard on him, I am not sure why but my heart went out to him. This is was not the normal way that I handled things, I am used to keeping people at a distance not letting them break through not letting myself care for them. However since being here there has been a change in my heart, knowing that each tribute has a family to go back to, people who were praying that they would make it home. There was no one waiting for me, no family, no friends nothing. Due to my family's history I decided that a long time ago, I would not make many if any friends not to protect myself but in a way to protect them. But here I couldn't do it. 

"Laim, why is this so hard on you? I know that this is not something that you want to do, but is there more?" I asked him, knowing that deep down he would not tell me. 

Sighing, he only looked at me. "Nicole, you need to go talk to Darius and get him to agree with the plan then we will get to train, if you pass all my tests in training then well maybe I will tell you. Go on get out of here and tell me what he says."

I decided that this is plan that needed immediate attention and went racing back into the dark building that was our home. Through the halls I almost ran over three of the other tributes all of them shouting at me to slow down or I was going to get myself killed. I ran into Daruis' room as he was getting dressed. 

"Dang, Nicole. You think you could be any more crazy. I could hear you coming a mile away," he says as he zips his pants. 

"Well if that's the case then you won't have to worry about finding me and beating me then. With what I have to suggest you could win it all." I say out of breath and panting. I knew in my head that if everyone wanted to go ahead with my plan I would need to work on running great distances with out getting tired. 

"Listen Darius, we both know that the Republic will move to the old style of the games with your plan. Well what if we go to them and ask for it. Ask that they move to the old style it offers everyone a chance at winning and we can ask them that two tributes survive and if we can get them to agree then we will have a chance at winning. It becomes more of a strategy style game rather than a brute force. We have to get everyone on board and then approach then approach the Head Gamer. We have to do it before tonight's battle."

"Well?! What do you think," I ask him wanting some sort of response from him.

A huge smile crosses his face and I know I have him hooked. 

"Well, Nicole. Let's go get the others to agree to it. I think that the games will be ours if we work together."

A shot of dread filled me. If I was going to team up with anyone I wanted it to be with Laim, not Darius, but for now I have to get him to believe that this was the best idea and if that meant that he needed to believe that I was on his side then that is what I was going to have to do. For me the game started now.


Hey guys I hate asking but comments would be great I am just wondering what you all are thinking.

Thank you for reading! 

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