Chapter 4

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"You see GameMaster Conant," I say to a man that looks like he was smashed by a rock. He is near 5 feet tall, yet this small measure of a man both in highth and in personality had my life in his hands, if he said I died, I died no questions asked. Part of me wondered if he worked so hard to get this position so he could feel powerful watching people try to please him.

"We both know that tributes killing themselves is not a good way to entertain the Republic, and that they will be calling for a more bloody end to things. So the other tributes and myself have come up with a solution. We want to go back to the old style of the games, a free for all, everyone against everyone all at once. The republic gets what it wants and we get what we want, under the condition that two of us get to live. Always two." I say looking him square in his yellow eyes. 

"How do I know that one person isn't going to hide it out for the entirety of the games and never fight, there by ensuring that they get to live," asks Conant with a deceptive smile on his face. 

"We come to an agreement before hand that states that you will allow two to live so long as everyone is actively in the games, this does not mean killing everyday, but they have to working at either planning or executing a plan of some sort. If at any point you feel this is not being met the rule can change," Daruis says hotly. He had thought that this would be a question we would face, and although I understood that he detested Conant part of wished that he would hide it better for the sake of the plan as well as our lives. 

"And you think that the Republic as well as the villages would enjoy this," Conant says looking at while raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, it gives everyone a chance to win. It is not just about brute strength at this point, it would be about calculating and strategy and cunning. Those can be taught where as a killer instinct is either there or not. Each tribute has more chance to go back to the ones they love," I say. 

"OK. I like the idea, we knew something was up when tribute Rose just jumped and to be honest we were trying to think of a way to counter what you guys were doing but this is a good solution. However I do reserve the right to add any element to the games I deem necessary to the forward movement to the games. This also includes if I decide to add Runners into the arena. That is within my bounds as GameMaster."

With that he dismissed us. Later that evening during what would have been my match with Talea, Conant announces that the games will be taking a break for three weeks as they construct and prepare for the games of old. Something he is careful to point out that the tributes asked for, he also informs the now excited and questioning Republic that there will be two tributes who will live the details of which was worked out in a meeting with two of the head tributes. Being refereed to as a head tribute gave me a sense of dread. Being in the front was not something that I wanted, especially now. 

Some of the tributes spent their time sleeping or reading, but there was a group of 12 of us who decided that we were going to work our bodies out to the point of exhaustion and then keep on pushing, trying to make our bodies go farther and farther. To my right generally stood Talea who it seemed was planning on being with me every step of the way, and always to my left was Darius. He was determined that we two were going to live, that he and I were on a team, and although ourfamilies once had history and once protected on another that bond had been broken long ago, when the Republic still in its infancy tried to kill off my family. I knew that I couldn't trust him. There was something dark and sinister in his eyes. And always by himself stood Laim. Occasionally one of the other tributes would work with him, but he usually paid them no mind and they left, looking for another ally. 

"Hey there Nicole, how is teaming up with Darius," Laim asks with a smile on his face. 

"We are not teamed up. Honestly I am not sure what to think about him, and now Talea is trying to team up with me. Part of me wants to stay as far away from her as possible that way I don't have to see her die, or worse have to be the one who kills her."

I sit down on the bench in the work out yard and Laim comes and joins me. He is about to say something when a voice from the screen in the yard starts.

'As many of you know, the old style of the games will start in just 48 hours. In anticipation of this we have decided to show clips from the previous games. In part so that everyone can start getting excited for this new era, and to allow for those who may not be familiar with it a chance to witness what they can expect. We hope you enjoy and remember 48 hours from now your new and improved games will begin."

At first I can't look away, I see person after person on the screen dying, but I see the truth to what I said. In the arena now strategy will play as much a part as strength. As I am about to look away I see her, my great grandmother running through the woods. She has something in her hand and stops to fire one sure shot killing a man where he stands. This has to be the first time she was called to be in the games. Then I see her again with a man that looks much like Laim. He too has the strange looking spear that Liam has been working with. 

I look over at Laim who has turned pale, he knew the stories but I guess seeing them was a whole other experience for him. 

"Laim, did you know that Katniss was my great grandmother?"

"No I didn't. That man up there the one that also teamed up with her is my great grandfather. He died during the rebellion running with your grandmother. They both fought together for the same thing, the one whom they loved."

We sat in silence together for a while and watched as they showed more clips of past games. 

"Have you ever handled a bow before Nicole?"

"No, at least I don't think. What is it?" 

"A bow is that beautiful piece of hardware your grandmother is so deadly with. And I think you would be too if you only held one in your hands. Talent like that is passed down. You could be great," Laim says as he gets up to leave me.

I see Daruis coming to me, obviously happy that the previous games are being played. His smile reaching out to both sides of his face. I am positive it might also be about the fact that Laim looks as though he has been hit by a ton of bricks. In my head I know that for a time at least it makes sense to pair up with him, the only question would be at what point would I turn on him. 

Turning to face me Laim sighs and lets his face fall.

"Nicole, I can't be teamed up with you in the games. I can't watch you die or worse have to be the one to kill you. I don't think I could handle that."


Hey guys I hate asking but if wouldn't mind could you comment. I wouldlike to know what you are thinking and such. 

Thank you for reading!

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