Chapter 9 New terrors

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Ever since the attack, Ginny had been consumed by the nightmares that she had just got rid of. Her old nightmares contained new faces and new terrors.

Ginny would wake up thrashing and screaming, waking to find Harry next to her his green eyes full of concern. Harry would hold Ginny in his arms and Ginny would burry her head in his chest and they would fall asleep like that.

"Ginny, wake up you're OK."

Ginny opened her eyes, she was shaking. Harry was lying next to her, she moved closer to him and gratefully let him wrap his arms around her, enveloped in his warmth.

"It was so scary" she whispered sounding, in her opinion, like a little child.

"I know" Harry muttered softly, "it's OK though, it was only a dream, you're here safe with me."


Harry was extremely worried about Ginny, instead of waking up refreshed she would wake up trembling and jumpy. She would scream herself awake every night and then fall asleep in Harry's arms. Twice she had a nightmare so bad she rolled over in the bed and vomited over the side of the matress.

Harry wasn't the only one worried about Ginny, several times he saw Hermione's eyes watching Ginny with concern in her brown eyes.

"Ginny?" Harry said one day when they were washing the dishes. "I think you should see a doctor about these dreams, don't you?"

"I'm not mad" said Ginny defencively.

"No" Harry stammered, feeling bad. "I didn't say you were, I just thought it could help you get over them because you'll make yourself ill."

"OK, I'll go to St Mungos if you go with me."

"Deal, Gin."

And with that Ginny agreed to accompany Harry to St Mungos to talk to a healer about her nightmares.

Short chapter but I couldn't think of anything else, their wedding chapter will be soon!!!!!

hope you enjoyed! keep reading <3 :)x

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