Chapter 17 The Man with the Scalpel face

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The grave of Tom Marvolo Riddle was empty.

"Damn! RON!" Harry yelled, "come here!"

Harry heard the crunching of the leaves and twigs as Ron's heavy foot falls touched them, he reached Harry's side, "what's wr- oh, Merlin."

Ron stopped dead, staring at the empty grave, "oh, Merlin, is he alive?"

"Either that or they stole his body to put a  new heart into it," Harry replied, unable to tear his eyes away from the empty grave.

"Harry? What's wrong?" His colleague Jessica Duckworth called.

"Come here, please!" Harry called back.

Jessica walked over, "holy Merlin's pants," Jessica said when she saw the grave, "he's gone."

"Wait," Ron said, raising a shaking hand and pointing his finger at the grave, "what's that?"

Harry saw it too, it was leather bound and about the size of a potions book, he summoned it silently. The front cover read, 'The Scroll' .

"What's that?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know," Harry said, "me and Ron'll take it home and check it out, after we've been to the Ministry." Harry handed the book to Ron who was eager to look.

"It's fine," Jessica told him, "I'll tell Harrington about this," she twisted on the spot and vanished, as did the other Aurors.

"OK," Harry said to Ron, "lets go."

"Wait," Ron held up a hand to silence him, "it says here 'The Dark Lord will need the heart of another to resurrect him, two women's hearts or one man's.'"

Harry and Ron turned to each other in unison, both thinking the same thing.

"Oh, hell," groaned Harry, "Hermione and Ginny."



Ginny's head shot up in panic, "Hermione, what was that?"

"I don't know," Hermione whispered, "be quiet."

Fear swept over Ginny like cold air, what if those men had come back to her, she drew her wand at the same time as Hermione.

"Hermione," Ginny breathed, "what do we do?"

Hermione pressed a finger to her lips in insistence for silence, she moved very slowly to the door and beckoned Ginny forwards, they reached the top of the stairs, Harry and Ron stood in the entrance hall.

"Stop!" Hermione shouted, they both froze, "Harry, when did your patronus first become corporeal?"

"Er," the handsome man's green eyes darted from side to side, "my fifth year."

"Correct," Hermione smiled, "now maybe we should - stupefy!"

The fake Harry deflected the curse and shot a spell straight back, Hermione leapt aside and the vase on the table behind her shattered into a hundred tiny pieces.

"Expelliarmus!" Ginny cried, she managed to disarm the imposter Ron, her euphoria, however, did not last long, she heard the faux boy-who-lived yell "stupefy!" and she knew no more.

Ginny woke up on a cold wooden floor.

They had got her again.

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