Chapter 20 The prophecies

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Ginny was the first to speak.

"T-they want our hearts?" She stammered, disgusted by what she was hearing. "That's sick, what's wrong with them?"

"'What isn't wrong with them' might be a better question," said Ron, resting his chin on his hands.

Harry exhaled loudly, Ginny caught his pale, tense expression. She squeezed his hand, "we'll be OK," she whispered, more to convince herself than him. Harry said nothing but continued to scan the pages of the large book, his heavy eyebrows contracting more and more with each page he read. Finally, he looked up and said, "this is our life."

"What?" Ron asked, beating Ginny to it, they all leaned in around the book - except for Hermione, who was staring at the wall, apparently in deep thought.

"Yeah," said Harry, "listen: The three will leave on a quest of destruction, the dangerous and testing quest will question the loyalty of the trio."

Silence greeted those words, then-

"Oh, what a load of rubbish!" Hermione burst out, Ginny jumped; she had forgotten Hermione was there.

"What?" Harry said, looking mildly shocked.

"This book could have been written after our quest," Hermione went on, "it doesn't mean anything. Someone could just be stalking us and know about it, the other stuff isn't necessarily going to happen to us!"

"There's stuff in the future," Ron pointed out half heartedly.

Hermione let out a sound that was halfway between a sigh and a snort of derision, "oh, Ron, it wont happen unless we allow it to. If it does happen it's because, subconsciously, we arranged for it to happen."

Ginny was very confused, she looked at Harry, who looked at Ron, who looked back at Ginny.

"The word you're looking for is befuddled," said Ginny to the two boys.

"Do I have to spell everything out?" Sighed Hermione, "if we refuse to let it happen, it wont. The only reason these prophecies would come true is if we allow them to. Like in the third year where Professor Trelawney told Neville he would break a cup and he did; that was because he thought he would, so he subconsciously did it on purpose!"

"But-" Ron began, Hermione cut him off.

"It wont happen unless we want it to!" She hissed and she stalked out the room.

Ginny crawled into bed and lay staring at the ceiling, she didn't know what to make of the situation. Who should she believe? Should she be worried? Ginny was so immersed in thought she didn't see Harry next to her until he kissed her cheek.

"You all right, love?" he asked.

"I suppose," Ginny sighed, honestly not knowing how she felt. "It's just a lot..."

"Mm," was Harry's response.

They both lay in silence pondering the predicament. 

"We'll be all right," Harry whispered, "As long as we stay here, as long as we have each other."

"That's so cheesy," Ginny murmured, allowing herself a smile.

"Mm, so you didn't like it?"

Ginny giggled, he was teasing her.

"No, I liked it," she said, then she kissed him softly. They snuggled down into each others arms and fell asleep.

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