Edward be my baby (an Edward & Bella love story) Part 1/10

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My life as I know it is over. I thought as I sat there, deep in the forest, where he stood over a year ago, where he told me he was leaving me, told me that he was no good for me, told me that he didn't want me, where my heart shattered. His last three words were 'I love you' and then he was gone. I was never the same after that day. I was holding back the tears, when my body went numb the next thing I know I am on the ground, arms folded in an X patteren across my chest. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and without realizing it I was screaming his name beleive it or not. "EDWARD! EDWARD! EDWARD PLEASE COME BACK!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs I have never felt this hurt in my whole life.

~9 minutes later~

I was still crying silently and the hole in my heart is aching and it wont stop. Now I was trying to get back to the house but the pain I felt would make me keep falling and this time I fell but hard cold stone hands held me up I look up to see my vampire, the one that I shared my secrets with, it was Edward. "Is it really you Edward and not some holusonation my mind created?" I asked as he sat beneath a tree and put me on his lap. "Does this answer your question?" He said as he leaned in to kiss me like he never kissed me before. It wasn't as careful as the others and I loved every second of it. I pulled away. "I think that does answer it Edward, promise me you will never leave me again?" I said leaning against his chest. "I promise because of you Bella." He said kissing the top of my head. "Edward," "Yes?" He was resting his cheek on top of my head. I looked at him with curious eyes. "What is it Bells?" He asked. I just shook my head. "Don't be a worry wart I won't leave you." He said and affter a moment he continued. "Look I can't live a week no a second away from you. When I was away it felt like a hole was in my heart and it wouldn't heal. I love you and I will always love you." He kissed me again and then he pulled away. "What are you thinking about Bella?" He said his golden brown eyes peircing through me like daggers. "That's a stupid question. I'm thinking about you silly." After he never answered I continued. "I have lived a little under a year without you and all that time my heart had a hole the size of Jupiter in it and it ached alot and I honestly thought I was going to die from all the pain I was in. I can't live a moment without you." Edward heard some one coming and put me on his back and whispered "Pretend to be asleep hurry." I nodded and put my cheek against his shoulder and pretend to be asleep. "Hello?" A man asked and I reconized it, it was Charlie. "Hello, Charlie." Edward said. "Wht the hell are you doing here Edward?" He asked. "Iwas just taking a walk and I came across Bella asleep against a tree."Edward explained. "Do you know the pain that you caused, Bella when you left her?" Charlie fumed at him. "Shhhhhh! Can you calm down a little please. Bella is sleeping."Edward whispered to him. "I thinkI can see that. Let me see her dammit." He was still fumming at Edward. This time I am going to disobey Edward. "*yawn* What's going on here your yelling woke me up dad." I said tightening my grip on Edward. "Let's go Bella get off of him and get home." He said geatering tward the house. "NO! Never again am I letting go of him and if you don't like it then I'm moving out and moving into Edward's house to be with him and you can't stop me!" My grip got really tight around Edward. Charlie's fists were balled and he was about to..............

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