Edward be my baby part 2/10 (EdwardxBella love story)

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Charlie balled his fist and was about to hit..............


Edward stepped back and I tightened my grip that would kill a normal person and stared wide eyed at my father. "Damn you Bella. I never get this mad now get your ass back home now!" He yelled. That just scared me more and I heard Edward whisper something unintellagible(Sp?) then his voice was loud and furious. "Charlie calm the hell down!" Then his head turned to tell me something. "Bella let me go and make a run for it." He said. I shook my head. "No I'm afraid that you'll disappear again." I said. "Don't worry Bella I wont disappear." He was chuckling as he spoke. "But please it's for your own safty, here take my car and go back to my house." He said handing me his keys to his Volvo. "Where i-is it?" I stammered. "It's where it always is behind that bush." His head gestured tward the bush beside my house. "Alright just come back to me." I warned as I got off. I ran to where he told me and jumped in his car I started it and it was as silent as I remembered. I was dirving past the spot he was at and I saw charlie in his face yelling. I was out of sight in a matter of seconds. I didn't feel right leaving my father and my vampire alone I wanted to go back and drag Edward with me but the voice in my head warned me not to. Before I knew it I was at the Cullens' place Alice waiting at the door with a huge smile on her face. "BELLA!" She was at my side in a flash when I got out she hugged me gentely. "It's nice to see you again Alice I've missed you!" I said hugging her back. "Where's Edward?" She asked tilting her head to one side. "He's back at my house trying to talk to my father." I explained. "Then what are you doing with his car?" She wondered. "Well, he just gave me the keys and told me to come here. I don't know why though." I said entering the Cullens' place. I was surprised to see the family again. I had a wide smile on my face when I saw Esme and Carisile. I nearly ran to Esme and gave her a big hug and she hugged me back. "Hello, Bella it is wonderful to see you again." She said. "I know it is nice to see you too." I said. "Where's Jasper and the others?" I asked. "We are right here." I looked up at the top of the stairs to see Emmett and Rosalie along with Jasper. "Bella!" Emmett was picking me up and he pulled me into a bear hug. "Hey, Emmett it's nice to see you too. I - can't - breathe." I exclaimed. "Oh. Sorry about that." He put me down. Rosalie as usual gave me a dirty look. "Hello, Bella." Jasper was as usual being careful. "Jasper how many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to be so careful anymore you already proved yourself that you are strong enough to be close to me." Everyone laughed. Jasper took a few steps closer to shake my hand. I held it out for him. "How has everyone been?" I asked sitting down next to Carisile on the couch giving him a friendly hug. "We have been extremely well and how about yourself?" He aske. "Well, I've been not so good." I looked down at my hands. "Why?" Emmett asked. "Well, just being away from Edward made it hard for me to live that's why I jumped off a cliff and perpously took a joyride on a mortorcycle and it was extremely hard for me to live through the agonizing pain that I felt while he was away." I didn't feel so comfortable telling them but I also felt I had no choice but to do it. What I never realized was that I was begining to cry then I felt arms wrap around me. I look to see both Esme and Alice hugging me to try to make me calm down I cried on Alices' shoulder as they hugged me. Just then Edward burst through the door and Alice and Esme let me go and Ecward pulled me up and into a hug. "Oh Bella." He said. "Edward, I love you." I said crying on his shoulder. "Yeah, I love you too. I'm so sorry for leaving you the way I did."He said pulling my face up so his face was just inches from mine. "I forgive you." He leaned closer until his ice cold lips touched mine and my blood boiled under my skin and through my lips. I threw my hads around his neck and played with his bronze hair. He pulled away. "I've missed you so much, Bella." He said. "I know I've missed you even more." I said catching my breath.

~An hour later~

Me and Edward were in his room listening to his colorful music collection. He was telling me how much he missed me and I was telling him how much I've missed him. When he stopped mid-sentence and stared intently out his wondow into the black forest he jumped up into a protective stance and the rest of his family was there in a flash in the same protective stance. "Edward, what's going on?" I asked staggering to my feet. He just put a finger over my mouth and told me to be quiet. I stared out the window when suddenly. . . . . . . . . . .

Cliffy sorry but just wait til part 3 comes out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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