Chapter Twenty-Two - Part One

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A/N Here is the next chapter...


The man pushed the door open when it was opened for him. He pushed his way into the hotel suit. He wasn't in the mood he made his way into the main room. He stopped when he caught sight of not just Henry but at the sight of all of Henry's men pointing their guns at him. The only person who wasn't pointing a gun at him was Henry.

"What can we do for you?"

Henry had changed from the friendly person who was joking around with Tom. He was now a hard man. He wasn't letting any emotion come across his face, his voice was cold and dark.

"I want what's mine."

"Oh come on Leon. I don't think you had her to being with. You never did, see she doesn't belong to you, she never has."

"What are you going on about? You've got your money, so give me the girl."

Leon had had enough of this stupid man, why was he not listening to him. He just wanted Zoe back where she belonged. And that was at his side, well in his head anyway. He really had no idea just who Henry was or what he was capable of doing. So he took a step toward him, he was going to punch his lights out if he didn't give him Zoe. He didn't care that there was at least 6 or 7 guns pointing at him.

"I wouldn't step to close to me."

Leon being stupid did take another step forward and another until he was right in front of Henry. He looked him square in the face before raising his hand and going to punch him in the face. But Henry saw it coming so he quickly blocked the shot, before returning the punch but to Leon gut.

He watched as Leon bent over, clutching his stomach. Henry took his chance to ram his knee into Leon's chest. Leon wobbled on the heels of his shoes. But Henry wasn't having any of it. He grabbed hold of his jacket and pulled him up before ramming him into the wall.

Leon's back banged loudly against the wall, this caused the picture to smash against the floor. Henry kept a tight grip on Leon against the wall. One arm was holding his jacket while the other was across his throat, cutting some of the air from getting to Leon's lungs.

"I want Zoe..."

"You don't get her."

"I own her."

Leon listened as Henry and his men all laughed at Leon, no one in the room could believe what Leon was saying. Was he really this stupid? Had he not seen what Henry had just done to him?

"You don't own anyone."

Henry sneered at him, he couldn't believe this guy. He just wasn't listening to what he was saying to him. He didn't seem to understand that Zoe was now Henry and not his anymore.

"You agreed that once the debts were paid that was it."

Leon questioned Henry. Although what Leon had say was the truth Henry didn't care. Henry was a man of honour and he honoured Tom more than anyone. He would do anything for him. But to see this cockroach have his hands on Zoe, he couldn't stand.

"Come on this is just business? I just want what is rightfully mine. She said..."

Leon was cut off again by Henry pushing his arm more into Leon's throat.

"She's not scared to be here, I'm not going to hurt her."

Leon tried his hardest to speak, when he did finally manage to get something out it came out very weak and quiet.

"But she said..."

"This isn't about what she said. She gave you the money and now you leave her alone."

At that point Zoe opened the bedroom door causing both Leon and Henry to turn to look at her. She stepped into the room completely unaware at Leon was here and that they were talking about her. Zoe walked past Henry and Leon and sat down on the sofa.

"Look does she look scared to be here to you."


Leon whispered out only for Henry to hear, Henry however was going to pretend that he didn't hear him. He wanted everyone in the room to hear what Leon said.

"What was that?"


Leon shouted as much as he could, Henry still had his arm across his neck. Leon looked over at Zoe hoping that she would do something, but Zoe just looked away out of the window.

"So what are you going to do?"

Leon looked down at the ground before looking back at Henry's.



"Without her"

"That's a good boy."

With that Henry let go of Leon, he straighten himself of before he walked over to Zoe. He placed his hand on her shoulder as the two of them watched Leon walk out. Once he was gone he pulled her up and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Everything's ok."

Zoe looked up at him, she wasn't scared she was just ashamed. She couldn't believe that she has allowed his man to hug her. She had just seen him chock Leon against a wall, he could hurt her. But she was just thankful that he got rid of Leon. Just as Henry was letting her go Tom walked out of the room where he had been hiding. He came towards her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Zoe you ok."


"Come on its time to go home."

Everyone in the room started to pack everything up, while Zoe, Tom and Henry just stand around. Tom kept his arm wrapped securely around her. He doesn't want to let her go, he like's that she is close to him right now. He was so thankful for what Henry had done for them. He couldn't be more thankful for what he had just made Leon do. He couldn't believe that he didn't think to call him sooner. He hadn't realised that the man that Leon owed money to, was the same man Tom knew.

He looked down at Zoe and placed and kiss on her forehead. This caused Zoe to tilt her head up to looked at her brother. She couldn't believe that was finally away from Leon. It felt that this was so final, Leon was off their back for good. She'd seen the scared look in his eye, when Henry had put pressure on his throat. She was glad that Henry had sorted everything out. But she still had no idea why he had helped them.

Once everything was packed up the three of them stepped out of the hotel and made their way to the airport. They were just so glad to be going home. Zoe couldn't wait to get home and see Chris, she wanted him to hold her forever and never let her go. She missed her room, her house. She missed working at the garage. She just wanted to see everything and everyone.

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