Chapter Twenty - Six - Part One

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A/N You lucky lot, here's another one.

The car carrying Zoe and Chris finally pulled up at it destination. When Zoe lifted her head up off of Chris chest to look outside she wished she hadn't. They were outside the one place that was definitely not what she was expecting. She had no idea why Leon had brought them here, other than that he had finally had enough of her behaviour and was going to teach her a lesson. A lesson that she would never forget.

Leon stepped out of the car once Frank open the door. Leon walked over to the building entrance before turning around and waving his hand in command for his men to bring Zoe and Chris out of the car and inside.

Leon walked with authority into the building while both Zoe and Chris struggled against the people holding them. They still had two men holding each of them. It wasn't really hard for one man to detain Zoe. It was simply to make sure that she didn't try anything. Leon knew that Zoe wouldn't try anything if two men were holding her back.

Chris and Zoe were pulled into the building with both their hands behind their back. Neither of them stopped struggling against their captors, not for one second. Chris was the first person to speak up.

"Leon let Zoe go."


Zoe was confused as to why Chris would say this, Zoe should be saying that to Leon. She knew that she could get Leon wrapped around her finger if she tried. But she couldn't do anything with two men holding her.


Leon seethed at the two of them, he was aware that he was going to have to re-teach Zoe her manners around him. He walked up towards Zoe and grabbed her face, making her look at him.

"Behave yourself."

Leon tightened his grip on her face causing Zoe's eyes to go wide. Zoe was scared as to what he had planned. She still had a few bruises from the last time. They were all scattered around her body.

"Look there's nothing to worry about here sweetheart. You'll only get hurt if you step out of line."

"Leon what are you up to."

Again Chris spoke up again. He just wanted to know why Leon had them both. What was he going to gain from having them both? It didn't make any sense, it wasn't like Tom would be able to come after them and help.

"All will be revealed later, I just need to borrow Zoe."

Leon let go of Zoe face and gave her a small smile. He then ran his hand up her neck and to her cheek, which he happily stroked for a couple of seconds. This caused Zoe to move her face away and grimace at his action.

"You'll remember my touch soon sweetheart."

"No I won't."

"Watch your tone young lady."

Then Leon raised his hand high above him and brought it down across Zoe's face, causing her face to turn to the side with the force.

"Put them in the office."

With that Zoe and Chris were dragged across the room and shoved it the office. The door was quickly closed and locked behind them. Zoe landed on the floor and chose to stay there, she then reached her hand up to her redden check and caressed it. Meanwhile Chris was up on his feet and banged his fists against the door, he wanted Leon to be a man and face him. He was seeing red now. No one touched Zoe like that ever. No one laid a hand on his girl and he was going to be dammed if he didn't do anything about it.

"Chris just sit down. It's pretty obvious we aren't going to get out of here anytime soon. Let's just wait it out."

"Zoe how can you be so calm, he just hit you. He deserves to be taught a lesson in life. You hit a girl you get hit back. I'm not having him hurt my girl."

"I'm fine, I can handle him."

"Zoe he's got a gun, he could kill us at the drop of a hat. No one knows we are here."

"Just stop freaking out, sit down and relax. Wait it out that's what I did."

"You can't be serious, he's mental."

"What else do you think we can do, Leon is out there with a gun like you said? The door is locked we are stuck in a room until someone opens it."

Chris really didn't understand how she could be so calm, they were going to die. It was like she had a death wish. But she did have a point they should wait it out and see what happened that was all they could do.


Meanwhile outside the room Leon was chatting with his men. He gave them instruction's on what they were to do. They were not to let them out or go into the room with his permission. He knew exactly what both Chris and Zoe were capable of. He didn't want his possession to be hurt either. She was no use to him if she was hurt.

"I don't want any of you to lay a finger of Zoe. You only grab her, nothing to cause her harm. Understand."

"Yes boss.

"If I find out any of you have hurt her, your dead understand."

"Yes boss."

"Good. I want two of you outside the room at all times. I don't want them to try anything. One wrong move from either of them and you tell me."

"Yes boss."

He loved it when everyone listened to him it was like an angel singing in his ear. But what he loved more was when Zoe was the one listening to his every word and complies too his commands. He realised that he needed to work that back into her. She seemed to have forgotten how to behave around him.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?"

"I want you to bring Zoe out in 20 minutes."

"Yes boss."

With that two of his men walked over to the room and stood outside the door. They stood guard to make sure that everything went smoothly. When they looked inside the room, Chris had Zoe wrapped up in his arms holding her close to his chest. While running one of his hands up and down her arm soothingly.

While Leon walked over to the sofa in the warehouse, he sat himself down and pulled out his phone. Running himself down all the messages and emails that he had received while he had been busy detaining Zoe and Chris.

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