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Pic of Chelsea on the side. if anyone can tell me who this is I would love to know so I can add them to my cast list.


I woke the next morning to bottles banging as they were being placed or thrown into plastic bags. I sat up in the bed; much comfier than my own in my apartment. I was still in the clothes Chelsea had brought me last night; a singlet, large t-shirt and track pants. I was too tired last night to realise who's they belonged to. Now I knew; Xavier's scent was all over the shirt. Immediately I felt hurt.

I sighed and stood, deciding to head home I cleaned the room and made the bed. I then left the room and made my way downstairs. I could see all the pack members except for Xavier cleaning up. I nodded to Ryan.

"I'm heading home now" I smiled, making my way to the door.

"The Alpha has requested that you have an escort, just in case of rouges" Ryan placed the plastic bags down and came over to me. "I'll drive you home"

I nodded and followed him out to his car which was a Toyota convertible. A jet black colour with a few red and orange flames down the side. I stepped into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt, waiting for Ryan. 

We were soon speeding off down the road.

It was a quiet trip that seemed to take seconds. Suddenly I was outside my apartment and opening the door; Ryan speeding down the road.

I closed the door; dead bolting it to ensure my own safety, I rested my head against the door and closed my eyes; I was tired, confused and mostly angry. I finally decided to make it up to my room and flop down on the bed. 

I grimaced as I watched the ceiling, I knew I had a busy week, which was going to be made even more busy by my packing and moving out of Xavier's pack territory. I turned my head and glanced at my calender, groaning when I saw the star marked on the Monday. It was the Luna De'la Lys, mating season, or better known as heat. 

Every female along with myself would be going into the heat; an agonising week to month long period where us females would be sexually frustrated, angry, moody and even trying to have kids. I knew my heat was going to be especially bad as I had just found my mate and I was a Luna. I'd gone through heat before, this was my second heat. Last years only lasted 9 days. This one I had no clue about and knew it would be worse with Xavier being in town. 

I decided to enjoy my last day of peace and take a cold shower. Heat would be excruciating; so bad sometimes even the act of moving would cause sexual desires to run deep.

I moved off the bed and stripped down, grabbing a towel I walked into the bathroom; basically an en suit, though not as modern or as well kept. My apartment was falling apart, I knew obviously it was good for the price of 25$ a week to rent. Even if it did mean tiles breaking off in the bath and water leaks in the kitchen. 

I sighed and the cold water rushed over me; I felt pure bliss as I soon found myself lost in my own curious mind; what would life be like if I was with Xavier?

I continued to dream as I sunk down onto the chair I had put in the shower; the water hitting my back and head; washing away my cares.


I growled as I once again heard a comment from another pack member about Alexis and how gorgeous she was. The comments had been non stop since the party, and I couldn't help but feel jealous and angry. Alexis was mine and only mine, but since I had not accepted her, marked her or mated her, she was considered fair game. 

I knew it was cruel to reject her but I didn't want to give up the life I was living; I didn't want to quit going on exotic holidays and start having pups with a girl I hardly even knew. I enjoyed women throwing themselves at me and couldn't bare to think about being tied down. It was harsh yes, but I knew that Alexis would not want to be mated to a man who travelled constantly. 

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