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Thanks everyone for reading, following, fanning, voting and commenting! I appreciate every one as much as the other. 

Please Comment, Vote, Fan and Follow and recommend this story to everyone on your fans and follow lists! Comment on my page what you did one random person will be chosen to have a chapter dedicated to them and they will be a character in my book i.e a mate to their chosen character ;) 

I'd like to also say that this chapter is dedicated to Lozzens :) She has been an avid reader and has always commented! Thanks so much :)

Pic of Ryan is on the side. If anyone knows who this is please let me know so I can add them to my cast list :)


***Xavier P.O.V***

I could smell Alexis, she was right outside my door, It was 10pm, 2 hours until Chelsea and Ryan were to be bound in ritual. I knew Alexis would be looking for Chelsea; she was to walk with Chelsea down the 'isle'.

A knock sounded at my door and I knew Alexis could scent me. 

"Enter" My voice sounded oddly intrigued, and I mentally cursed myself. 

Alexis's blue eyes landed on me and immediately she turned to leave the room, 

"Alexis, what did you want?" I asked, 

She spun back round and watched me cautiously, her brown curly hair was pulled into a messy bun off her face. She looked absolutely gorgeous in the light that hit her from my office.

"I was ahh, looking for Chelsea" Alexis's voice was soft, she was upset and I had no clue why but I wished to know. 

"She is in her house down by the lake" I frowned, Alexis's head was bowed as she spoke to me, a sign of respect. I couldn't help but wonder how respectful she would be beside me; leading my pack. I shook my head, I had to stop thinking about being with her.\

"I don't know how to get there" Alexis mumbled,

"Sit down while I call someone from the pack to take you there, you don't have any other questions?" I was stalling, I wanted to stay with her, enveloped in her sweet scent of roses and vanilla mixed with a sweet musk.

"How long do I have to stay here? Why am I here in the first place?" Alexis sat on the couch against the wall, it was placed under a small window; the moonlight streamed in and encased Alexis in a soft pearl white glow. 

"Well you're here because of heat, and you will be here until the month is up, just for the safety and protection of my pack" I stood and walked over to Alexis, as I got closer I could smell Taylor on her, I growled and stalked over to her, angry, I could feel my wolf rising to the surface. "WHY DID HE TOUCH YOU?!" I growled, my wolf was losing control, he had to be reassured. 

Alexis was cowered against the couch, scared and confused, 

"I don't know what you mean" Her voice was shaking, I could see a hint of anger cross her face.


"I don't have to answer to you, if I wanted him on me then its no concern of yours!" Alexis was angry and my wolf knew, but grew more enraged at the fact she wouldn't want me but someone else. I started shaking, so angry, I moved quickly, Alexis was pinned under me, she tried to move but when I growled at her she stopped moving and watched me carefully. My wolf just wanted to take away Taylor's scent and cover her with mine so every other male knew she was mine.

I then did something I knew I would regret later; I kissed her, I kissed her hard and passionately.


He kissed me, he was passionate; rough and I knew it was just his wolf. 

When he pulled away I instantly knew he had calmed down. I pushed myself off the couch and ran out of his office, I needed to get away, far away. I had been lost when I made it to his office, I have no clue what possessed me to enter his office and speak to him. I knew now it was a stupid move and I should not have listened to my wolf. 

I found an open window in the hallway; I leaped onto the window sill and jumped down to the ground below me. The grass was soft against my feet, the moonlight causing a silver lustre on the blades of grass.

I sniffed the air; the beach was to my left. I started running and found the edge of the woods; the beach was before me, I slowed down and started to walk. I had to reach the water; I needed to cool down and breathe and relax.

"Alexis?" I turned, a wolf with blonde hair and green eyes was walking towards me. "Shouldn't you be at the pack house or with Chelsea?" He asked, 

"Sorry but I don't know you" I was feeling scared and confused, how did this boy know me, what if he was a rouge?

"Oh sorry, my names Dimity, I'm one of the enforcers on the boarder, I look after the south side, or the beach" Dimity smiled, "Chelsea and you were on the netball team together. I always watched your games, I was intrigued by you, too scared to introduce myself"

I nodded, 

"I need to swim; clear my mind" I turned, about to walk away and onto the soft sand when I felt a soft hand on my arm. 

"I'll come with you, the rouges love to swim across here to enter our territory" Dimity smiled and I could catch a glint of mischief in his emerald eyes. His blonde hair looked white under the full moon as we stepped out from under the trees and onto the open sand. 

Dimity took his jacket off, smiling at me, he was gorgeous, his tanned skin and muscled body was something any girl would die for. I was flattered that Dimity found interest in me. 

I made my way to the water and found myself shoulder deep, the soft waves lapping around me. It was a calm night.

Dimity was behind me, watching me and the border closely. 

"Do you have a mate?" he asked, a soft smile graced his features, make him even more attractive, 

"I don't know" I sighed, 

"What do you mean?" Dimity frowned, running his hands over the waters surface. 

"Well I have a mate, though he doesn't want me, so I don't know"

"Ah I see, what a jerk, anyone would be blessed to have you as their mate"

I blushed and smiled, 

"Thank you" 

"We should be getting you back to Chelsea, she's looking for you, apparently you have to get dressed"

I nodded and made my way out of the water, Dimity followed and walked behind a tree to pull on some dry clothes. 

"Here, have my jacket" Dimity threw the blue coat to me and for a second time I found myself naked underneath someones coat. 

We walked silently to a small hut surrounded by a field of flowers. Chelsea was waiting at the door for me. 

"Come on, we have to be quick, we have an hour to get ready for my ritual" Chelsea smiled, pulling me inside, 

I turned before she closed the door and waved at Dimity who had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Thanks" I smiled, 

"No worries" Dimity grinned, 

I blushed and was pulled inside to the bathroom where I was told to take a quick shower. I was then fussed over until Chelsea was convinced I was immaculate. I only wished that tonight would go fast so i could go to bed before heat got too bad.


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