Chapter Eight

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Vic's POV

I let out a sigh of relief and hugged him. "You were quiet for a long while. You scarred me." He laughed at me.

"I was just thinking. Love's always been a scary thing for me. I've known that I loved you, but admitting it.... That was what had me thinking." He hesitated before explaining.

I kissed his cheek and pulled him to my side. "Why has it been scary?"  I asked in a soft, secure voice.

"J-Just... The people I've loved have either beat me, used me, raped me, or let it happen. My friends were the only ones who didn't so.... It has me frightened." He looked like he was gonna cry after explaining. It hurt my heart honestly.

"Well I'll never hurt you, beat you, rape you, or let anything like that happen. Just watching Jason with the knife to your eye had me about bawling cause I didn't want you hurt." I subconsciously played with his hair as I spoke. I meant the words that I said.

"I know you wouldn't. You never will. And if we do y'know.... It wouldn't be rape because I'm okay with being close and touched by you.... Like oh my god there is no clean way to word that." He face palmed as a light shade of pink appeared on his beautiful cheeks.

I smiled at him. He hid his with his hands. My eye traveled down to the few big bright hickeys left on his skin.

"You a have a hickey." I giggled and poked it. He groaned and moved his hands to cover it.

"You know how every fangirls dream is to either kiss or hug their favorite band members?" I asked him.

He nodded.

I squeezed him and kissed his cheek. He giggled quietly, leaving me in aw.

"Oh! We should listen to music." I laughed.

"Alright, only if I can pick the music." He jumped up and right over to his speaker. He was immediately pulling out his phone and to his music app.

Before I knew it one of my favorite songs were playing. I stood up and danced like an idiot. He joined me and the only reason I stopped was because of a knock on the door.

He turned the music off and opened the door. Mike was there and didn't look happy.

"Momma's on the phone." He sighed and tossed the phone at me. I looked at the phone, not wanting to put it to my ear.

It took me a second before I actually put it there.


"I'm sorry. I tried to call you but you didn't answer. I didn't want to fess up to Mike first either. It was an accident, I understand that now." She explained.

Kellin couldn't hear but he was sitting on his bed watching me.

"Um, I-..." I scratched the back of my head. "I don't know what the fuck to say."I mumbled.

"Vic listen, I want to have a normal family. I'm tired of the fights. Your Papa's been trying me to admit this for awhile now but I didn't want him to know until I knew you would accept my apology. So he's at work." She urged.

"Look, I can remember that damn look on your face. It'll be the same every time you look at me.... I can't deal with that. I did everything I could to apologize. I got you the cooking lessons, I got Papa the boat, I did anything I could think of but you still looked at me like that. Sorry, maybe Mike'll be different considering he didn't do it." I told her as nicely as possible.

"You burned down the house I grew up in!!!"

"And I offered to build it back exactly the same. "

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