Part 7

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I knew that if I wanted to make it back to Ari alive, than I would need to extract the bullet, stitch it up, and get back to him before dark. Ari told me that it would be nearly impossible to discover a physician out here, because most of them are out in the battlefield with the soldiers. I'm alright with that I guess, but I still believe that some doctors should be available to the public. Because now, I'm weary of whether or not I'm going to survive this injury. I hobble around the first aid station looking for thread, a needle, and tweezers. I knew that I needed to stitch up the bullet hole immediately. I turn around, hoping to find my necessities in the cabinets, next to a long narrow mirror. But before I look for the materials, I look into the mirror; my short brown hair is burnt on the ends, my eyes are as dark as night. But worst of all my skin is white as snow. I must be loosing a lot of blood, because I'm turning more and more pale by the minute.
I quickly grab a pair of scissors from the desk and cut off the long sleeves to my shirt, than I quickly wrap it tightly around my leg,"Ah there we go." I say to myself.
I look outside through the window and notice some shadows. My body is frozen with fear, but my mind is telling me to run. But I ignore both and dash towards the cabinets, I open up any ones I can. After what seemed like a century, I found the supplies I need.
"Oh my goodness," I say to myself,"I didn't wash it."
I hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, so I quickly grap some baby wipes, and jump under the desk.
"Great work today gentleman."
"Thank you sir."
I swiftly and furtively work my way around the desk. I crawl around the side to notice what seemed to be a soldier and a general standing about six feet away from the desk. They are in green uniforms, and have bands around their arms. The swatsika symbol. Nazis, I thought. I quickly inch my way back under the desk, when I hear the general say,"That was quite some work you did today young man.
"Thank you sir," says the soldier in a deep voice.
"But, I do have one question for you," recalls the general,"How did you find the focal point of the city, and what artillery did you launch?"
I grit my teeth, and begin to sweat. The nazis are the antagonist, they're the ones who blew up the laundromat, and the people inside.
"I estimated," says the soldier,"And I used a sniper rifle and a bazooka."
"Damn." I say under my breath. I must have got shot with the sniper rifle and the soldier must have blown up the laundromat with the bazooka.
I scoot around under the desk, but then I accidentally hit my wounded leg against the metal desk. I grit my teeth from the pain and the nervousness that the soldiers heard me.
"Who's there?!" Says the general.
I swallow loudly and sit as a still as a statue.
The soldier walks behind the desk, crouches downward so he's meeting me eye to eye, and says to the general,"Nobodies here."
The general replies with a sigh,"Well, then I must get going. I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow."
"See you then." Replies the soldier.
I hear the door close with a thud, and the soldier yells,"Come out."

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