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Thanks for 3k reads my beautiful people! Also id like to clarify again that this drawing was done by @HobiTheHoe NOT me

Jimin: Tuesday Morning


"I'm going to work" I utter wiping the tears and looking at Jungkook.
"No you're not-" he retorted walking up to me until my back hits the wall "-we're checking around for any evidence we can't have you in here" he puts his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"Why not do some work at home or plan something to do? I'm sorry for doing this on such late notice, Park" he takes his hand back.

"Whatever goodbye~" he moves so I can walk away.

"Bye Park" he waves me off and I get in my car. His attitude has changed so much from how it was like two minutes ago. This guy is so hard to read. One second he is mean and pushy and the next he is sweet.

|ring Joon🐸?|

|Yes|x|  |Back?|

N: Hey you okay?
J: Yeah but slightly bored because we don't have work today I reply honestly to Namjoon.
N: So why'd you call? Other than you're bored of course. He chuckles wholeheartedly.
J: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something?
N: Yeah sure but could you pick me up? I don't have a car
J: Yeah sure I'll be at your house soon text me the address?
N: Yeah, see you soon Jimie~

|Joon🐸 ended the call|

I quickly get the message and drive to his house.

I see him sat on the door step also in his work uniform. I pip the horn, he looks up smiling when he sees me, he walks to the car.

He gets in the left and sits in the passenger seat.

"Hey." I greeted trying to not make it as awkward.
"Yo Jimie, so where are we going?" He interrogates me.

"How about we go to the coffee shop?" He nods his head eagerly at my idea.
"I'm so tired! And it's so early!"

I clear my throat, "so did you hear what happened?" I question him before starting up the car and driving towards the coffee shop.

"Uh, um yeah." he struggles slightly "I'm not really that upset though, just because I haven't known him long you know?" He reasoned.

"Yeah I get you" I say parking outside the coffee shop.

"I'll pay" I grab my wallet, "Thank you" well that was easier than expected.
"Thank God!" I groaned. He laughs and begins, "What?"

"Normally when I tell people I'm paying they argue saying 'they should pay for themselves' even though, in the end I always end up paying" I sigh.
"People like that annoy me" he chuckles at himself.

We are sat at a small round table looking at the servings sheet and thinking deeply about what we should order. We both ended up settling for just a plain old coffee.

"Hey so, have you got much work done since yesterday?"


"Thank god! Neither have I." I laugh at his reaction.
"Why do you ask anyway?" I chortle lowly. "I don't know, I just wanted to make some conversation." "mm" I mumble swallowing my coffee.

After finishing our coffee and chatting for a while we leave the coffee shop and shop for a couple hours, by now it is nearly 9am.

Namjoon bought so many sweets and sugary foods because we decided to have a sleep over tonight. I only bought a few bits and some snacks for tonight and some light grocery shopping.

We got so bored and decided to go our separate ways for a couple hours and meet up soon and go see a film then have our sleep over.

I drop him off at his house again and he gives me a short wave and quickly entered his house. I then drive off back to my own house and have a quick nap.


Hastily sitting up after my peaceful nap and shaking my head lightly and blinking my tired eyes a couple times, I then kick my blanket off of my tired legs and I get up.

Sloppily walking up the stairs I stub my toe and fall onto my bed and mumble profanities before sitting up again. I locate my wardrobe and pull out some casual clothing and begin to get ready.


It is still early and I have to meet up with Namjoon at 12, so until then I decide to go out and do something productive.

Hopping in my car once again, pulling out of the street and heading off down the road to the cinema (I decided to go get me and Joon some tickets before hand).

Arriving at the cinema and waiting in the fairly short line I check my phone for any missed calls that may have occurred whilst I was asleep. There are none.

I am at the front of the line now, working behind the counter there is a boy who looks slightly older than me and he had a smart red waistcoat on, a black bow tie and a long sleeved white shirt.

"How may I help?" He says in a bored tone.
"Umm, two tickets for.. Zoolander 2?"

He collects the tickets, sorts them out, tells me how much they are and I'm already saying thank you.

"Thank you." he chuckles, "No problem, I'm Hoseok by the way," he introduces himself
"My friends call me Hobi and sometimes even J-Hope." he continues. "Well I'm Jimin, Hobi, but I'll have to go so I don't hold up the line."

"Here take my number we should talk again" I smile at him, he's nice.

I take the piece of paper, say goodbye and leave the cinema getting into my car and quickly driving back to my work remembering I left a very important thing there.

I sneakily park and walk up to the building slipping through the doors carefully and running to the elevator clicking the floor's number and waiting for it to stop. Walking out and quickly walking into my room to see a certain person holding the certain thing I came here for.

Now this is awkward.

Note to self 7: never leave important things in places where someone will probably find them.
Note to self 8: but to be very honest it's what's meant to happen so I'll just pertend I didn't just write that last note.

[rewrote 2nd October - Charlotte]

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