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(thanks for reading this story! ily)

Jimin: Monday Night


After Jackson and Jungkook's eye fight, we all gathered in the living room. The coffee table was set up with a variety of different drinks and snacks. "So, what movie?" Jungkook asks resuming a comfortable spot on the loveseat next to me.

We decided on a horror that I couldn't bother to remember the name of. The story was based around a teenage girl who was quite popular. She decided to accept a friend request from a new girl in her media class who ended up being crazy and then committing suicide.

The story went on from there with meek jumpscares and unimportant deaths left, right and centre. The night carried on and soon the movie finished and we were all confused on what to do next.

"wait, I have an idea." Jungkook quickly left the room and soon arrived back holding two boxes filled with booze. All the others cheered, clapping excitedly. The bottles got passed around the seven of us.

As the night carried on we progressively got more drunk and then Jackson had the best idea to play a game of twister. We set up the game mat and started. The night mostly consisted of drinking and playing random games.

Namjoon then suggested the idea of spin the bottle, which all the other boys jumped at the idea of. We sat in a circle on the living room's floor namjoon going first and spinning it, the bottle by chance landed on Jin and Namjoon drunkly rubbed his nape embarrassed. Seokjin hyung pulled his arm and leaned in and connected their lips for about five seconds before pulling back, the other boys cheering and Namjoon was still blushing intensely.

It was then my turn, i spun the bottle and it seemed to have been spinning for ages before it finally came to a halt. I looked in the direction of the bottle which would be where the guy I would have to kiss would be sat. I looked up through my eyelashes to see Jackson with a Cheshire Cat grin on his face.

I could see Jungkook scowling from the corner of my eyes. My insides were bubbling with nervousness and uncertainty. Jackson leaned in and before I knew it he pulled away and oddly enough, I was thankful for the shortness of the kiss.

Next was Jungkook's turn and he spun the bottle until it gradually landed on Yoongi. I was so jealous. I could feel the anger rising inside of me and I had to admit I was scaring myself. I excused myself to the 'restroom' (a cupboard) to calm myself down.

"Yeah! Now tongues!" I could hear someone scream. It's going to be a long night.

I first of all, I apologise for never updating but school has been getting so much harder and I'm getting an unreal amount of homework now :///
secondly, I've not updated since June LAST YEAR (apparently) so I decided to write an EXTREMELY short chap because I feel awful for not updating frequently enough - Charlotte

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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