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Jimin: Wednesday afternoon


I was really excited, I was going to be with Jungkook all night. Wait what? Im not excited! Jungkook is an arrogant little boy! Nothing more.

I still had all day so decided to pick out a nice outfit for later, and chilled until I heard him knock on my door.


Knock, knock!

I walk over to my front door and compose myself, on the way to the door I trip over my dolphin plush and throw it near the shoe rack and open the door.

"Hey" "Hello, stranger" I greet him while I gesture for him to come in. I tell him to wait downstairs while I get ready.

I pull on a white t-shit with the words 'cute boy' written on it in swirly black writing and some black shorts. I rush down stairs and pull on some trainers. My red hair contrasting with my black and white themed clothing.

He came into the hallway, "you look great" he says, I look him down and he's wearing a black and green jumper and black skinny jeans with yellow converse. He is pretty hot. "If my friend, Yoongi, were here right now he'd hit you".

"Why is that?"
"Because you're wearing converse" I open my door and gesture for him to leave. He exits and I go out right after him locking the door behind us. We make it to his fancy black car and it smells like cotton candy.

After ten minutes of driving he turns the music on and I hum along and I see Jungkook smile and let me say, that's the cutest thing ever! I mean it's the most annoying thing ever!

We make it to his house not long after that and it is so homely and welcoming. He ushers me to the sitting room where I sit and he offers me a drink (which I gladly accept). He comes back in with our drinks and sits them down on the coffee table, he looks through his collection of DVDs and finds 'big hero 6'.

It's ten minutes into the film, Jungkook got up during the start to get popcorn and blankets, and we're now sat down in warm blankets eating popcorn before the film has even officially started.

~time skip~

It's now near the end of the film and me and Jungkook, are crying. Half way through the film I snuggled up to him, but he didn't complain and he is so warm and he smells so nice. As the movie finishs he stands up and turns the tv off.

Before I could stop my self I fall asleep.


When I turned out and saw Jimin asleep he looked so peaceful, I carried him upstairs and lay him down in my spare bedroom.

"Hey Jimin?" I nudge him
"What?" He groans sleepily, "here" I pass him some pyjamas and close the door, I switch everything off downstairs and head to my bedroom. I hear him grumbling things and I put my ear up to the door,

I hear him say things like: "Stupid Jungkook messing with me" "why is he like this" "but he smells so nice".

I chuckle and he opens the door a red blush covering his cute chubby cheeks."Go away!" He whines, still half asleep. I walk into my bedroom and get into some boxers and a plain white tee and immediately go to sleep.

Jimin: Thursday Morning

I wake up from a peaceful night's sleep yawning and stretching and I smell bacon cooking downstairs and I head to Jungkook's kitchen. Jungkook is wearing his uinform while cooking breakfast.

"Hey I made you something, I'm glad you stayed and watched the film with me, but I've got to go to work soon" "Thanks" I mumble with a red tint to my cheeks.

Note to self 11: stop smelling him and blushing around him pabo!
Note to self 12: we all know you won't be able to do that so ignore last note to self

This is by far the worst chapter I've ever wrote kms
It's short and badly written and it's not proof read and I have 2% omg
please check out my q+a
Sorry if this is bad I really wanted to get this out because I realised how terrible I am at updating so here, I'm sorry! - Charlotte

dope - jjk & pjmOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant