Chapter 11: Love

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(Corey's POV)

                                  Once Nick and I arrived to our destination, we started heading into his house. We went through the door and up the stairs to his room. Nick opened the door and let me enter his room first. Then he entered, closing the door behind him.

                                  "You hungry Corey?" Nick asked me.

                                   "Yeah I'm starving." I replied back to him.

                                  "Well then," Nick said while grabbing his phone, "How does some pizza sound to you?"

                                   "Sounds great Nick." I told him.

                                   Nick started calling the pizza place to order while I looked at his room. I was still amazed about his room. His king size bed, his flat screen tv, how he has almost every game system imagin, and his very own bathroom. I sat on his king size bed feeling at how soft his bed was.

                                   Nick finished ordering through the phone and hanged up.

                                   "It'll take them at least thirty minutes to be here. But in the mean time," Nick said while taking his red jacket off slowly, "How about we help pass the time by playing some video games."

                                   He put his jacket beside me on the bed. Then he leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear saying "I bet I could beat you Riff Man." He said teasing me by using my nick name.

                                 "Oh you are so on Hunky Nick Mallory!" I teased back at him with his nick name.

                                He gave a small chuckle and said "Let the games begin."

                                Thirty minutes passed by in a flash. Nick and I grew tired of playing video games and instead watched some T.V on his bed. The door bell rang and Nick said "It's probably the pizza man, I'll get it." He got up from his bed started heading to his bedroom door then left.

                                I continued to watch more T.V until Nick came back. Nick came back minutes later with a box of pizza.

                               "What kind of pizza did you get Nick?" I asked him.

                               "I got cheese pizza. Is that okay with you?" Nick asked me.

                               "Yeah it's fine with me." I replied.

                               Nick and I sat on his bed at ate our pizza in silence. When we were done eating our pizza, we decided to flip through some channels until we found one. Nick stopped on a channel that showed artistes singing their songs like the Beatles, Barry Manilow, etc. 

                              Then the T.V announced the next song. "And our next song we'll play here in w few minutes is called 'The Day I Fall In Love' by James Ingram and Dolly Parton."

                              "Hey, this is my favorite song!" Nick spoke out with enthusiasm. He got up from the bed and put his hand out for me. "Would you like to dance with me Corey?" He asked me.

                             I took his hand in mine and said with happiness "I would love to Nick!" I said to him.

                              He pulled me to the middle of his bedroo. Then the music started to play and we slowly dance  with the rythm of the music.

                              Just an ordinary day

                              Started out the same old way

                              Then I looked into your eyes and knew

                               Today would be, a first for me

                               The day I fall in love

                               On the day I fall in love

                               Sky will be, a perfect blue

                               And I'll give my heart forever more

                              To someone who looks just like you

                              The day I fall in love

                              People all say love is wonderful

                              That the bells will ring

                              The birds will sing

                              The skies will open

                              I wonder where's that great big symphony

                                Roll over Beethoven

                                Won't you play with me.....

                                 And I'll never promise to be true, to anyone

                                 Unless it's you 

                                 Unless it's you

                                 The day I fall in love

                                People always say love is wonderful

                               That the bells will ring

                               The birds will sing

                               The skies will open

                               I wonder where's that great big symphony

                              Roll over Beethoven

                             Come and play with me

                            Just an ordinary day

                            Started out the same old way

                            Then I looked into your eyes and knew

                            Today would be a first for me

                            A first for me 

                           The day I fall in love

                           I know you'll be there

                          Oh....I know......

                           The day I fall in love

(End of music)

                          Once the song was finished Nick twirled me around until my back was press against his chest. I turned my head to look at him as he looked at me. We looked at each other for a monent. Then we kissed with passion and lust for one another.

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