Orphan Girl (3)

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Chapter 3

Oakley's P.O.V

I couldn’t move a single part in my body without pain erupting in my stomach. I felt numb all over apart from the penetrating pain. My eyes fluttered open and I squinted at the bright lights surrounding me. Why were the lights turned on when I just woke up? I looked over to my side carefully and noticed the high rails on the sides of my bed. This wasn’t my bedroom. Where the hell was I?

"Oakley, darling how are you feeling?” I heard a soft voice from above me. I had never heard this voice before in my life. Maybe she can explain where I was.  

“Oakley, honey can you hear me?” The voice asked me a second time.

I carefully nodded my head, being careful not to agitate my headache anymore that it already was.

“You were in a house fire earlier today and we brought you here just to do some check ups and make sure everything’s alright.” She smiled at me.

I looked up at the women talking about to speak myself and ask her all of the questions that were running through my mind but my throat told me otherwise.

"Rest your voice for a little while dear. I understand you have many questions why you’re here, but you need to know that you breathed in a lot of smoke earlier today. The smoke reached your lungs but don't worry, soon enough you're going to be okay after a fair bit of rest you’ll be as good as new." She reassured me.

I had not a single clue what was going on at the moment. How was I brought to the hospital if the last thing I remember was being stuck in the house? I recall being locked in the basement and couldn’t find a way out. No one should have found me. I was supposed to die. I didn't want to be here in the hospital bed getting better. This wasn't right.

"How?" I muttered, disobeying her orders.

"We still don't know how the house fire started but it was a big one, that's for sure. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. You might be able to answer this though. There was a boy who saved you and brought you here, do you know who he might have been?"

Bloody Jason, he probably felt bad after locking me in there in the first place.

Dirty Prick.

"He looked around your age maybe a little older. He refused to leave your side the whole ride to the hospital. He carried you out of the house before it collapsed I was told too. Stupid boy he is if I don’t say so myself. He ran into the house while the fire was blazing at its peak. He could have done some serious damage to himself if he was in there any longer He left the minute he heard you were going to be okay. He was very worried about you Oakley." She smiled.

I honestly had no idea who saved me. I didn’t know of anyone who cared for me. No one cared about me. Why would they help me?

When I get out of this hospital, I was going to do some serious questioning.


Mary had a yelling and screaming match with me blaming me for the house burning down when I got out from the hospital a couple of days later. She told me I wasn't looking after the house and the kids well enough. Maybe if she were home more often we wouldn't have had the dam fire in the first place. Yes, it was my fault, I’ll admit that; I left the stove on, but if she were home cooking dinner herself then none of this would have happened in the beginning.

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