Orphan Girl (12)

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New chapter, hey guys...

please vote for this chapter.

comment what you think, I need your advice, comment what you think about it and what i should change. it would mean the world to me.


Claire xxx


Oakley’s P.O.V

He wasn’t going to come.

There was no point in waiting up for him anyway.

I sighed walking up into my room. I didn’t understand why he still wanted to hang around me all the dam time. He says that he loves me. I still can’t wrap my head around it.

We texted a little tonight because he was at a family dinner. He was complaining about it, but honestly, I would love to go to a dinner like that. I think about that all the time.

A few months ago I even thought about looking for my mum and dad. It might be a little hard as I don’t even know there last names.

I had a single picture; I could go around asking everyone if they have seen them. That could take years though.

I stopped thinking about it and hopping into my cold lonely bed. Jason was already asleep snoring every now and then, I smiled. Laying my head on my pillow, I heard a soft knocking on the door.

Crap, Mary is going to wake up and it’s not going to be pretty.

Quickly, jumping out of bed silently running to the door, I carefully opened it.

“Scott?” I was taken back, I seriously wasn’t expecting him to come over tonight.

He looked me up and down and smirked.

That’s when I remembered I was in my blue duck pajamas.

Did I mention mini shorts?

I blushed, crossing my arms over my chest trying to cover myself.

“What are you doing here this late?” I asked.

“I wanted to see you." He whispered.

“How was your family dinner?” I asked.

He paused, thinking of what to say next. “Interesting.” He smiled.

“Want to come in?” I asked.

Yeah it was late, but it was also a little chilly outside.

“Sure.” He nodded. I stepped back and let him through, he walked into my living room and sat on the couch, me following him.

“So what were you doing before I came?” He asked me. I sat on the couch across from him and wrapped the blanket around me, suddenly getting a little cold.

“I was just about to go to bed.” I smiled.

“Oh, sorry.”

“Nah, I wasn’t really tired.” I lied. 

I was honestly pooped, I had been working way way to much the past week and needed a break. They were lucky to have me. I looked back at Scott and saw that he was also tired looking. There were small black circles under his eyes. 

“Oh well that’s okay then.” He smiled.

“Does your family know you’re here?”

He nodded.

“Yeah apparently I looked really bored, so he told me to go find you.”

I waited a few minutes before asking, I wasn’t sure how he would react, but it was worth a try.

“Scott can I meet your parents?”

He frowned up at me.

“You want to meet them?” He was shocked.

“Well you take about them a lot, they seem nice.”

“They are very judging.” He sighed.

“I think I can handle it.”

His smiled widened, “That’s what I like about you, you don’t take crap from anyone.” I laughed at this. If only he knew how much I dwelled on things.

“Next week or something, I’ll get you to come by after school. You can have dinner with us.” He smiled. I liked this idea.


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