Orphan Girl (29)

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Sorry for the wait, it took awhile, but its finally here.

please show me your thoughts i would love to hear then! thanks again! :))


Oakley’s P.O.V

‘The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun.’

Staying here was killing me. Scott was still out cold and I couldn’t move anywhere. I don’t know how long we had been like this, but I was hungry, cold and numb. Numb from all the pain and stress Jim was causing.

I thought that singing would distract me. Maybe it would make time go faster.

I needed happy songs to sing. One that will get Scott to wake up.

It struck me a few hours ago that he might be dead. I wouldn’t know, I don’t really know the difference between a dead man and an unconscious man. Thoughts like these have to stay out of my head. They were driving me mental.  

Although, funnily enough, he still looked beautiful. There was blood and bruises everywhere, but that didn’t matter to me. He was my love. My one and only love. And he was going to wake up any minute now.

Scott’s P.O.V

My head was aching. It was like someone had shoved a ticking bomb into it or something. All I could hear was tick after tick.

Listening clearer I heard a faint voice in the distance. It was a girl.

‘Tomorrow, tomorrow, you’re only a day away.’ If that was on of the stupid girls in the pack watching that stupid musical again I am going to throw the tv out the window.

I opened my eyes to darkness. The room was dark, but the voice came louder. This defiantly wasn’t the lounge room.

And that voice definitely wasn’t Annie.

I looked closer and smiled.

She was here.

She was okay.

There she was, curled up into a ball singing Annie. Only my Oakley would sing Annie at a time like this.

I slowly and carefully rose to my feet. I was a little wobbly, but managed to take a step without stumbling.

The singing suddenly stopped.

“Scott?!” Oakley gasped opening her eyes.

I couldn’t talk. She was just too beautiful. It had been way to long since I had seen her.

She got up quickly and took a step towards me only to fall straight back down.

“Dammit.” She muttered.

I walked towards her and kneeled down in front of her. She was clutching her ankle tightly; I saw it through the cracks of her fingers. It was blue and bloody.

“Oakley?” I asked her quietly, cupping her cheek.

She immediately looked up and smiled softly.

“You’re finally awake.” She muttered.

“I could hear your beautiful singing, that’s why.” She laughed quietly.

“You were out for a long time. I wasn’t sure if you were going to wake up.” She looked up at me. I saw a tear in her eye.

“I promised I would never leave you didn’t I?” I smirked.

Orphan GirlWhere stories live. Discover now