Orphan Girl (14)

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Chapter 14

This is just the last chapter in Scott's P.O.V

comment who's version is better :)

Claire xxx


Scott’s P.O.V

All day I was nervous, I really tried not to show it in front of anyone though. I didn't really see Oakley today. We had Italian together, but she was hiding at the back away from Mr. Miles, which I completely understood.

I hated the guy because of what he did to Oakley. I will get him for that one day!

When I got home I seriously had not one clue what to wear tonight. I wasn't sure if I should wear a suit, I didn't want to dress up to much just in case Oakley didn't, and therefore she would feel uncomfortable. Although I didn't want to be under dressed just in case she wore a dress and heels or something. 

I was settled with dark jeans and a black top. I read in a magazine that girls liked guys in black tight tops. It showed off their muscles.

I had a lot muscles too. So I was okay with showing them off. I put a little gel in my hair and put it to the side. I looked in the mirror, yeah I looked alright I guess.

I had the music up loud when I drove to her house. I thought it would take my mind of things. I started singing wonderwall by Oasis.

‘Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do, about you now.’

Stupid song, why does it have to come on when in driving to my dates house?
I pulled up at her house, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans, I rang the doorbell.

I heard thumping around then after a few seconds Jason ripped the door open.

"Hey man, Oakley ready to go?" I asked.

"Why are you going out with her?" Jason demanded.

"I like her, why are you being so weird about this?" I playfully punched his arm.

"Don't touch me." he growled.

"Are you going to let me in, or am I going to stay out here all night?"
"Well if it were up to me..." he trailed off.

I stepped into the lounge room where all the other kids where.

"Scott you look nice, I didn't think you were babysitting tonight?" Chloe smiled.

"I'm taking Oakley out tonight." I nodded.

“Aww, about time Scott!” She clapped her hands together.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Please, we all know there has been something between you to.” She laughed awkwardly.

I laughed, little kids know myself more than I do.

I looked up in the doorway to see the most beautiful girl standing there, crossing her arms.

She was deep in thought, but looked amazing. She was wearing tight black jeans that showed off her slim legs. Above that was a flattering purple button up shirt. It had only a little bit of cleavage to keep my mind wondering which I didn’t mind. She had a little bit of makeup on; personally I thought she looked better without it.

I shook myself out of my daydreams and noticed that she was also staring at me. Smirking I cleared my throat and her head shot up. She blushed deeply.

“Hey you ready to go?” I asked smiling.

She nodded without hesitation. Before we could leave the oldest boy in the house Jason stepped in front of Oakley as if he was protecting her.

“Jason do you mind?” Oakley asked in her sweet, beautiful voice.

“You’re not going out with him.” He said. What was this kids problem. I had never really liked Jason, there was just something about him that I still wasn’t sure about.

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