Step 1: STOP... then stare

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A/N~ Hello lovelies!! We really hope you guys enjoy this book, we honestly can't wait to finish writing it!! This book is kind of based off of a true story and we are here to say we hope this book is relatable and will make you laugh. We have grown as writers and are still human, please respect that and feel free to point out errors that we have made. Please comment down below what you think and if you think we should continue it or not. Please clickview cast if you'd like to know the cast. Have a nice morning/night/afternoon!


I couldn't help but think about the thrilling, yet so terrifying feeling at the thought of my first day in high school. Everything was going to change and I just couldn't wait for it.


As I pack my bag with my essentional necessarities I can't help but let my mind roam to the rumors that I have heard about high school. Hot boys and heaps upon heaps of torture? Could it all be true? I turned my head to my blazing alarm clock... guess I am about to find out.

Rocking my new navy blue blazer, formal white shirt and elegant tie I slam the old door behind me and hasten my way towards the park, where I promised to meet up with my friend's Stella and Isabelle as we head to the first day of hell.

This was going to be fun, real fun


I could see all of my anticipation and eagerness in Stella and Isabelle, they both shared the same first day jitters as I, which put me at ease knowing I am not the only one. We saunter the walkway and embark our first ever walk to high school, we were only ever going to experience this once, might as well make the utter most of it.

As we drew nearer and nearer to the high school the aesthetic pathway of the school was brimming with crowds of students who were just as eager as we were to get inside.

Maybe someday these strangers would become my friends... or perhaps maybe more?


Isabelle and Stella follow behind me as I inhale the deep scent of perdition. We walk into the main hallway, nobody noticing us. Everyone was too busy chatting with their friends. I look down to my schedule reading the dark font, it read that my locker number was 49, sounds good. Stella,Isabelle and I head to our lockers as we were lucky enough to have them beside each other.

"Move your stupid bag away from my face," Stella bellows to Isabelle. Her face flushing with frustration.

"Get your stupid face away from my bag!" Isabelle argues, sticking out her tongue.

I stare rolling my eyes at the two of them fighting, these two just can't quit at it .


Stella keeps pushing away Isabelle's bag as Isabelle try's to shove the bag deeper into her face. Promptly someone came walking the direction where Stella and Isabelle were. I move towards them, trying to warn them, but the person collides into me as I lose balance and fall to the ground, pushing both Stella and Isabelle as they too did fall like dominoes.

"I am so sorry," a deep voice says.

I look up to see the most alluring green eyes I have ever seen.


He held out his hand as I stare at him. He was everything you can dream of, his hair itself took my breath away. My eyes wander up to his pale washed arm, it was fit and his very strong forearm was disappearing into the sleeve of his badass leather jacket.

So freaking hot

"Hello? Are you alright?" the guy asks his smirkish expression glued to his face.

"Y-yes I-I a-am f-I...." I trailoff, remaining breathless and unable to speak.

I take his hand to get up from the dusty ground, slowly dusting of the dust from my jeans.

"The names Jackson... May I have the greater privilege of knowing your name?" he asks, revealing his white smile which was instantly melting my heart.

 May I have  the greater privilege of knowing your name?" he asks, revealing his white smile which was instantly melting my heart

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"M-My n-ame is Darlena," I respond, freaking the freak out.

Your rocking it girl

"Quite an interesting name," he exclaims winking as he leaves to the calling of his name.

Did he just wink at me?

"Someone's got a crush already," Isabelle smirks teasingly.

"It hasn't even been 10 minutes. With that being said your record in falling in love for a useless guy is two minutes." Stella chuckles, pausing before continuing "You haven't broken your record.... Not yet that is,"

"Well, he didn't even help us up," Isabelle complains blowing a strand of dark hair out of her eyes.

"Who cares, he belongs into the 'I'm so cool and I am a senior and every girl likes me group,'" Stella clarifies.

"That right there is the truth," Isabelle agrees pointing to somewhere ahead of us.

I avert my glaze slowly to where Isabelle is pointing, only to see Jackson making out with a prepossessing girl.

"Charlie, that's enough," Jackson breaths to the girl who I am assuming is Charlie.

Oh how much I wanted to be in her place already.


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