Tip: Try to blend in with the crowd

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A/N~ We are once again deeply sorry for the unbalanced updates of this book. We promise you that we will try to the best of our abilities to get back on track with the regular scheduling. We really do wish that you all understand that we will soon try to update as soon as possible and we hope you all have a great pleasure in reading this update! ENJOY.

Downstairs things we getting real as my mother was more so excited then me for the party.

"Honey, show mamma your killer poses," she excitingly says while holding her camera up to her eyes, ready to capture another picture of me.

"You have already taken pictures!" I sigh "probably a little too much of them," I mummer the last part to myself, taking a glance at the mirror behind my mom.

"You kids, growing up too fast," she cries, coming at me with a big mother hug.

Don't ruin the hair I silently beg, her long arms squeezing me tightly.

Not the hair, anything but the hair.

She pulls back a bit, moving her hands to my exposed shoulders "it's just that you look so pretty, and soon you're going to leave me, with that boyfriend of yours," she says a small smile touching the edges of her cheeks, I immediately blush at the last part I step back from her throwing her a reassuring smile "I'll be fine mom," I turn my head to the clock rested on our yellow kitchen walls.


"I think it's getting late mom, I better start heading to the party," I say, quickly scrambling to grab my heels and a clutch.

"Why how are you going to get there? Stella and Isabelle are not attending. I must give you a ride," she insists.

Oh no

I felt the urge to say no but when I look into my mother's brown eyes, I can see that she really wants to give me a ride.

"Fine, we better get going now," I exclaim.

She gives me a wide smile and quickly grabs her keys as we dash through the door.


"Finally," I sigh in both relief and nervousness.

I open the door of the car and wave to my mother. She immediately gets out of the car as I walk away and starts bellowing "Goodbye honey!"

It felt as if everyone was staring at me.... of course everyone is staring at me, why wouldn't they when your mother is insanely waving at you.

I feel the sudden strike of anxiety, both my friends were not here, what was I going to do. They have always been there for me, even at the worse times, they prevent hectic things from occurring due to me. But unfortunately this time it is only me versus the party.

Jackson's house was massive, more of a castle then a house. There were several people outside the house, drinking. It was pitch black, The stars and moon seemed to have disappeared behind the multiple clouds , every other house in the street had their lights out, but Jackson's house was practically glowing with the spectacular purple lights inside and out.

Everyone was giggling and chatting, having a great time. It was a pretty low-key party. I walked inside, still feeling the thin layer of sweat on my palms. I bite the inside of my cheek looking around for anyone I know.

"You're not nervous Darlena. You are confident and flawless and not at all nervous," I mumble to myself, giving myself a mini pep talk. I look around the house.

who was I kidding I'm very much nervous.

I see no sign of Jackson or anyone I really know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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