chapter 1

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erin lindsay and jay halstead are partners over at the 21st district intelligence in Chicago. they work for Erin's foster dad Sargent hank voight. (who took her in to his family due to her messed up abused, and drug addiction childhood she was a street kid her mother bunny was out of the picture and her father is in jail). But Erin turned her life around finished school and got herself  into the police academy and now works as the only female detective currently in the intelligence unit under Sargent hank Voight. Voight who has a strict no dating policy inside the unit between co workers does not tolerate any relationships especially in unit relationships regarding Erin and her partner detective Jay halstead. Erin and jay also work with fellow coworkers in the unit including Adam Ruzek, Kim Burgess, Sean Roman, Antonio Dawson, Alvin Olinsky, Kevin Atwater, Trudy Platt, Mouse, and Nadia.

Erin's pov:
I showed up to work like any other day. Sat down at my desk and just waited for my next assignment. today of all days felt different, but I hadn't quite figured out what was different. then Jay walked in sat down at his desk and flashed his perfect smile at me like he did every morning. yes there has always been a connection between me and Jay but due to voights no dating in unit rule I have tried my best to just be great partners and friends with Jay. and I thought he felt the same way about sticking to just being friends, but I always wandered that if we could be together how great would we really be?

Jays pov:
I walk into like usual and see my beautiful, sexy, and smart partner Erin Lindsay. I flash her my charming smile and she lightly smiles back at me. I have been partners with Erin for the last two years and have had feelings for her since the first time I laid eyes on her. I wish I could be something more with Erin or at least tell her how I feel but I have decided that since voight does not want in unit dating that I will just keep Erin as one of my closest friends, best partner, and maybe one day if ever the love of my life.

Erin's pov:
Hank voight walked in and reminded everyone that tomorrow night is the annual Chicago benefit and all police and firefighters are expected to be there. I still need to find a date for the event, I was thinking about asking Jay just as friends but I'm not sure yet. Maybe he'll end up asking me first.

Jay's pov:
I had totally forgotten about the Chicago benefit. And i am realizing that I still need a date for it. I would really like to ask Erin to be my date just as friends of course. I don't think it would be weird to her were just partners after all.

After a long day with a big case that we finally closed our shift was over. I saw Erin getting all her things and putting on her jacket to leave. I was going to ask her to the benefit tomorrow we're just friends so it shouldn't be weird.

"Hey Erin! Can I walk you to your car?" I asked.
"Sure Jay, I would really like that." Erin replied.
We walked outside and out to her car just creating casual small talk then I decided right then and there to ask her.
"Erin, I was wondering if you wanted to be my date to the Chicago benefit tomorrow night?" I asked.
"Wow yes I would love to go with you to the benefit. How about you come by my house at 6 tomorrow. I know it starts at 8 I was just thinking we could have dinner and a drink before we drive over?" Erin said.
"That sounds great Erin. I will see you at 6 tomorrow" I said.

As I said goodnight to Erin and watched her drive away I wondered if Erin and I could possibly become something more than just friends? But I just don't know if that would be right. Erin is the most important woman in my life and although my feelings for her are becoming more obvious to myself I just think it would be best to keep a strong friendship with Erin. but now this dinner with her has me wondering if I should let her know about my feelings towards her and see if she has any feelings for me or just keep them to myself for a while.

Erin's pov:
As I drove away after Jay asked me to be his date to the benefit tomorrow night I thought about what we could really be to each other. I decided that tomorrow night when we have dinner would be the perfect time to see if me and Jay could possibly become something more than just the best partners in the unit. I know voight isn't a fan of in unit relationships but it has worked for burgess and Ruzek who have happily been together for over a year now, so who's to say me and Jay couldn't beat the odds too. I don't know if I want to pursue a relationship with Jay but obviously there is a connection between us and he is a very good looking, caring man that I would be lucky to be with but I just don't know if I'm willing to risk losing our friendship for a relationship that I'm not sure voight would even allow inside the unit. The more I think about a potential relationship with Jay the more I think about how I might have feelings for him. I just wonder if there is any way he feels the same about me. I guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow night. I'm going to plan a great night full of surprises for us once I get home.

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