chapter 4

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Erin's pov:
The door closed quickly behind us and Jay slammed our bodies together and his lips trailed mine. I quickly moved him back towards the couch with our lips still together moving in sync at a rapid pace. Jay slowly unbuttoned my jacket and dropped it to the floor. As he moved me on top of him I moved my hands all over his body until I reached his shirt slowly teasing him one button at a time until he couldn't take it anymore. Jay stood up with my legs wrapped around his back and our lips still aggressively exploring each other. Jay started his way to the bedroom carrying me until I pulled away and whispered into his ear "Jay, not tonight. I want you to stay with me and I want to be with you because I love you. But I just think it's too soon to go where we're about to go"
"Okay Er That's fine with me i love you too and I would be extremely happy if I could just lay with you all night and kiss every inch of your body" Jay replied.
"I think. we can. make that happen." Erin gasped in between each kiss.
As Jay slowly lowered me to the ground. I walked over to her dresser to change out of her dress. "Jay...I think I need some help getting this off" I said sexily. Jay walked over and responded "I think I can help you fix that problem" as Jay slowly lowered the zipper on my dress I revealed my body to him. Jay slowly moved towards me kissing up and down my neck until he said "so Erin what are you going to wear tonight?" I responded "well I was thinking I'd really like to wear the shirt you have on right now..." I placed my hands on jays abs slowly moving them up and down his torso. I pulled off his light blue dress shit and slowly un clasped the back of my bra. Revealing myself in jays shirt.
"Wow you should wear my close more often you definitely look much better in them than I do" Jay claimed.
"Well I think you look better with no clothes on at all" I said.
I quickly pulled Jays belt closer to her body and slowly undid each hole from the belt planting a soft kiss on his lips between each one. Next I undid the button from his pants and slowly moved his zipper down until he was just in his bare boxers.
"Good. I like this better. Now we can do whatever you want" I said to Jay.
"How about a movie?" Jay asked
"Sounds good to me let me grab some beers and I'll meet you out on the couch" I answered.

Jays pov:
The woman of my dreams. Erin Lindsay. All to myself. I don't think I've ever felt like this with any other woman she brings out the best in me and I can't wait to explore this relationship with her. Did I mention she's sexy as hell? Well she is and I'm extremely lucky to have her in my life right now.
"Hey Erin what movie would you like to watch?" I asked.
She replied "why don't you choose whatever you'd like to watch but I don't think we'll be watching too much of any movie you put in" she said as she came to sit down next to me. As Erin handed me a beer we toasted to our new relationship and the places it will take us, sealing our toast with a drink and a kiss.
"Jay what made you fall in love with me compared to all the other girls you could have in the world?" Erin asked
"Well, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on and just from the last few hours we've spent together I feel so completely different in such a good way and I've never felt this way about a girl than I feel with you" I answered.
"Jay thank you. These last few hours you've made me feel like the most important girl in the world and I wouldn't trade what we have for anything else. I. Love. You." I said in between kissing his perfect lips. Suddenly my phone lit up

Phone conversation (Erin's pov):
Kim: Erin! Hey how are you doing? Feeling any better?

Erin: Hey Kim! Yes feeling a little bit better. Thanks for asking!

Kim: I know it's late but if you'd like I can come over and spend the night with you? Adams undercover right now and I could bring some drinks and we could have a fun night like old times.

Erin: I would love that but tonight's just not the best night Erin said giggling into the phone.

Kim: Erin... Is someone over there with you?! A new boy maybe??

Erin: Actually yes...Jay is here but nobody can know. Ok?

Kim: secrets safe with me Erin. I'm just glad you too are finally getting together it's about time. Good for Jay too he's been in love with you for some time now.

Erin: thank you Kim really means a lot! How about maybe next week we get together one night after shift with you and Ruzek?

Kim: sounds like a plan Erin! Have a great night say hey to halstead for me. Talk soon.

Erin: By Kim see you next week!


Jay asked "so now that Kim knows can we just come clean to the rest of the unit including voight?"
"I don't know Jay I don't know if I'm ready for everyone to find out. I like our own little bubble I think it's pretty sexy and sneaky and I know it will be hard to just be partners during shift but it will make the nights we have together much sexier. So maybe can we just hold off on telling voight for a week or two?" Erin asked.
"Okay, Erin but I'm only sneaking around for the sexy nights with you" Jay replied jokingly
"Okay Jay I'll make them some of the best nights of you life..." I said to him
Once we realized that we had already missed a majority of the movie we just decided to lay still next to each other until I started to drift off into a peaceful sleep. Half asleep I felt Jay pick me up and carry me to my room putting me to bed. I then felt him slide in next to me wrapping his arms around my body and lightly kissing the side of my face until he knew I was asleep. I thought to myself how lucky I am to have such a great caring, loving man like Jay in my life now. With that thought I drifted soundly to sleep with the love of my life right next to me.

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