>>Valentine's day special 3<<

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Aaand last, but certainly not least, it is my great honor to present to you, The Boy Who Lived *curtain opens* *applause is heard  throughout the wizarding world*

And im so so so sorry if this one isnt as good/long as the last two, but im running out of inspiration, my eyes are slowly closing and my thumbs and arms are extremely tired. But Rons was 520 palabras, Draco's was 804, and this one is gonna be at least 400.

You have my word

Scouts honor

I pinky promise

Cross my heart and hope to die, let Voldemort eat all my pie


"Ow. OW. OW!" you yelled.

"Sorry. I didnt know you were so tender headed" Hermione said as she brushed your hair.

"Yea well, i am"

"There. Youre done. Now go get changed."

You slipped on the red dress you and Hermione had chosen when you went shopping the other day. You strapped on your gold heels and clicked into the kitchen.

"How do i look?"

Hermione looked up from her book and looked you up and down.

"Hot" she winked before going back to reading.

The doorbell rang and you excitedly answered it. But no one was there. Instead, there was a little note neatly written in handwriting you knew to be Harry's.


I still remember where we first met. How bout you?

  - Your first day of Hogwarts guide

You beamed. A treasure hunt! You immediately apparated to the hall at Hogwarts where you had first run into Harry, ignoring all the stares from the current students there. One of them walked up to you.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" he asked. You nodded and he handed you a note before scurrying off to class.

Will you please go to the site of our fight? That rhymes and i didnt even mean for it to ;)


You laugh at your boyfriend's goofiness and apparate to Gringotts, where you had your first fight because you didnt want to take his money like he wanted you to. You could make your own.

Another note drifts down from the ceiling and you look up to see an owl sitting in the rafters.

Always on my mind is our first kiss


P.s only 2 more clues, love. Almost done

You sigh and go to the restaurant you and Harry had your first kiss. Whatever is at the end of this better be worth it. You picked up the next clue.

Love that sunset though


You apparated to the top of the hill that you and Harry always went to to watch the sunset.

You made it! Put the first words of every clue together


You look at the first words of every clue.


You read it out loud. " i will always love you"

"Damn right i will" he says, walking out from behind a tree.

"I love you Harry"

"I love you more"

"I love you most"

"Impossible" he says before kissing you softly.

Yep. What was at the end was definitely worth it.


anyway thats it for Singles Awareness day :)

~ Ellie

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