Meeting the host club

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*Martina's pov*

When the whole host club came to us, Tamaki introduced everyone. Girls, we are the host club. "Oh we know who you guys are. You guys are amazing."

"Yeah." I said agreeing with Miriam.

"Oh really how did you hear about us?"

"Your tv show."

"That's cool."


"Ok, well I'm Tamaki"


"And I'm Honey Sempai. I love cake." Miriam giggled.

"Hi Honey." Two red haired boys stepped up and intoduced themselves. "I'm Hikaru."

"And I'm Kaoru.

"How exactly are we supposed to tell you two apart?"

"That's our secret." They replied winking at us. The three other host club members finally introduced themselves. A tall black haired boy with glasses "I am the host club's bookkeeper, Kyouya

"And I'm Mori Sempai."

Haruhi told us who she was last. "I'm Haruhi."


"I bet you already know why I'm part of the host club."


"Well it was nice to meet you.:"

"You too."

"See you at school?'


"Cool. See you there."

"Ok Bye


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